Chapter 5

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It's her first three days at work, and Keely can't help but notice that she's being followed. Not that she'd seen the stalker anyway, but the troll can only pin point one other person who'd do that, except for their supervisor who always analyzes their performance.

One break time later, Keely decided to confront the troll by surprise, hiding behind a pillar until he was caught on sight while wondering where she went, "Your majesty."

Darnell yelped in shock, but quickly regains his cool composure as he let out a few chuckles, "Uh... h-hey, Keely. Didn't see ya there."

"Last time I checked, I didn't tell you my name. Or is it that you got it by asking the supervisor?"

"No, no, not at all! I just overheard someone call you by your name, so I just assumed," he looks away, a bit embarrassed. That's true though, all because he had began stalking her on his free time.

"Well then, what is it that you want of me, Prince Darnell?"

'First name terms. Well that's a start,' Darnell smiled and finally had a courage to look her in the eye, "I just wanted to ask... how your days went with being our engineer. It's a tough job, so I've heard."

She nods, "True, but I've already adjusted to the job, so it's no different from the restaurant." Keely remembers that she's talking to a prince, so she coughs away her embarrassment and begins to talk formally again, "I think that you have too many duties to attend to to worry about someone like me, Prince D. Maybe we should get going now."

Darnell was about to reply to that, but the girl had already began walking away from him after a bow. He's kind of upset, not in an angry way at least. He missed how she'd talk to him casually like a normal troll. She's the only other troll he knows that'd treat him like an equal, without formalities or earning for the royalty's respect.

Like having a friend without any words to say.

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