Chapter 16

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"They're fighting dirty!" Darnell huffed in irritation, flying his hoverboard near his family. The sound waves of their music is the only weapon they have against enemies. With the power gone, how will they be able to fight off against the Rock Trolls?

"This turned out pretty bad..." Cooper had his ears drooped down in fear.

"Don't worry, honey. As long as we're alive, we'll keep everyone safe," said Queen Essence.

"No... No, no, they're destroying the ship!" D yelled, staring at all the debris that started falling down, one after another. His home... their home.... Rock Trolls are tearing it apart.

Quincy looked around, seeing no other option left for all of them. With a heavy heart, the King announced his move, "Evacuate Vibe City!"

"What?" Essence and their sons looked at him in shock.

"We can't fight them. Not now at least. I'll go get the engineering crew, they'll be trapped in the control rooms without my access key. You guys head on to the exits with the others."

"I'll help you, dad," Darnell is the prince of funk trolls, he can't just do nothing in this situation.

"I-I'll go too," his twin offered.

"Cooper, you help mom round up every citizen in Vibe City," he says to him.

At first, he thought it was unnecessary, but as the troll looked down, there are indeed a lot of other funk trolls who weren't able to join the battle stations. Cooper looks back to Darnell and nods.

"You go from South to West. Take this spare," Quincy tossed the access key to him. His son takes off first, minding the time they have left before the exterior can be penetrated.

He went to South first, using the key to open the emergency door. Inside were three of the teams assigned to this side of the ship. D directs them to the west so that they'd all exit the same way and accounted for. The next stop is the West control room. Once everyone was out, they ran to the nearest exit, but then they stopped as an unknown troll blocks their way.

This one is smaller than them, wearing a goth outfit as a Rock's. How they managed to get in was rather obvious the moment they've seen Keely tied up and being held hostage behind the Rock Troll.

"Keely!" Brigs was the first to express his worries.

"Let her go, Rock Troll," said Darnell.

He chuckles, lifting his beanie a little bit to glance at the girl, "I would if I could, but Queen Barb wants every Funk Troll in the vehicles, so I'm taking her." Keely struggled angrily at the ropes, but it was all too tight. "This one's feisty though, got bitten real hard earlier," he looked at his left arm, which is indeed bruised with teeth marks.

"You'll never take us alive!" shouted one of the engineering team, followed by shouts of agreement from others.

The troll laughed, taking hold of the rope that is tied around the girl's feet, "We'll see about that." He runs off back to where he went through, and they all immediately went after him. It was a little too late for them to catch up when he jumped off to the already blown exit door. Darnell peeks out of the exit, seeing the Rock Troll and Keely on a flying vehicle far from them.


"Not so fast, bruh," a girl Rock Troll blocks his vision of her, almost near from grabbing his neck.

"Everyone, run!" he orders to them. The prince knows every nook and cranny of this ship, even leading them to the passage way to the central. Once they got there, however, it was a total chaos, one that they can't escape as they have already been found.

A troll holding an electric guitar, stood in front of him as he averted his eyes to the side after peeking at the situation above them. He gulped, signalling the trolls behind him to run away to another secret exit. "Looks like we got another mole in the ship," she smirks, flinging open the floor panel to reveal his presence. "Like mother like son, I see," Queen Barb laughs, pulling him out of there.

"Darnell!" Queen Essence shouted, making another Rock Troll give her a warning poke to the back.

"Mom!" Everyone is being captured at this point. It'd be a miracle if anyone manages to outrun the others outside.

"It's either you quietly go to the trucks along with all the other Funk Trolls here, or someone's gonna get a good beating," Barb threatens them with her guitar in front of Darnell's face.

"Oh no you don't!" said the voice coming from above them.

Cooper swung down, using his hair as a rope, and kicked Barb out of his twin brother's face.

"Cooper! You're not supposed to be here. You should've went ahead and evacuated with the others."

Cooper smiles at him, "You kiddin'? I ain't leaving my family behind."

D was stunned at his brother's positiveness, and quite proud of him actually, but the situation didn't bring much of help to the others. Queen Barb stands up again, hiding her face off of the pain, "You got guts, kid. I like that. But you got no choice here. All of you will be brought to Volcano Rock City, to witness the unity of trolls under one music. ROCK MUSIC!" she plays her guitar, accidentally send Cooper and Darnell flying to the stage.

"Please, don't hurt my sons! We'll come with you! Please don't hurt them," Essence plead.

All was lost. The Rock Trolls won this time, and by the time they all got to Volcano Rock City, their ship would've already probably sank to the ground.

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