Chapter 25

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"Those are my sons... making music..." Queen Essence says with pride.

Not long after getting the attention of all trolls in the dome, the leader of the Country Trolls began to clap her hands and tap her hooves along the beat, turning to her subjects as they followed her lead. One by one, each trolls followed suit, their hearts radiating their passion to what was once their whole being.

Darnell stops as Keely bumps to him, showing how her own heart seeps what little funk still left inside her. "Is this your doing, or....?"

He chuckles, shaking his head, "Not at all. It's who we are. Even if the strings are gone, there's no stopping us from making music."

Just in time for Queen Essence to speak up to the unimaginable phenomenon that's occurring all around them right now, "Queen Barb can't take away something that's inside us, 'cause that's where music really comes from."

"It started with the strings, but now, it comes from us," King Quincy added.

The hums of the Techno Trolls brought more life to the situation, making D, Keely, and Cooper look around them in awe as everyone synchronizes with them.

"Yeah! It comes from our experiences!" King Trollex speaks in turn.

"Our lives!" says Delta Dawn.

"Our culture," Queen Essence emphasizes.

Trollzart felt the thrilling chill up his sleeves, a feeling that he only gets when the music he hears is considered— "Beautiful!" —to his ears.

"Which all makes us unique," Darnell smiles at Keely, but the girl wasn't looking at him now. She's much too preoccupied at looking through every trolls  to notice him staring directly to where her heart is, and subconsciously puts his hand over his own.

"Let me... hear you... sing," Queen Poppy starts with a lyric. "Sing it together.... Louder than ever. Forget everything, just sing...—"

"Like it's what we've been missin',"—Branch sings along to her, harmonically, "And they're gonna listen, listen.... Forget everything, just sing." As if the thick bubble had burst, their colors returned to them.

The girl glanced wide eyed at Darnell, who was already glancing her way with exhilaration. Cooper suddenly pushes him to the stage, looking back at her for a split second, "Come on, girl, let's all go upstage!"

Keely, at the height of her sudden anxiety and the lack of Darnell to pull her in the thrill, she stood there frozen and unsure whether to follow. Then all of a sudden, she's being pushed from behind, and hearing many footsteps means they too are going to her friends' destination.

"What are you standing there for? The prince asked you to come with them!" her co worker, Marga, peaks her head by her side with a huge grin.

"Marga... Everyone! Mom, Dad!" Keely giggled upon seeing the trolls she's all familiar with, relieved to have seen all of them unhurt and full of enthusiasm.

"You're really tough, aren't ya?" Brigs huffed with a slight smirk.

"We know you could've survived," said her Mom.

"Says you who's been crying about her whereabouts just minutes ago," her Dad mumbles.

"Shush it, you!"

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