Chapter 13

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It went day after day after day, when one would think that everything is as normal as it were before, then to Prince D, it is NOT. There's tension and he can feel it. Not only has she started seeing him less and less every day off of hers, she also forces her smile at him.

He just said that they are best friends, what more if he had said that he wanted more than that? It's like everything he tried to build is crumbling to pieces, and the problem is yet to be solved.

King Quincy and Queen Essence looked at him from the opposite side of the dinner table, concern laced on their expressions. "Son," his dad breaks the elephant in the room, "whatever the problem is, if there's anything we can do--"

"--for any sort of advice, you can talk to us."

"Thanks guys, but I'll figure it out. Don't worry," he musters up a smile before setting aside his finished plate, "I'll be off now."

His parents looked at each other, not knowing what to do with him.

'Best friends, huh...' Keely smiled to herself, but keeping up that mask was difficult enough when he's around. She should be glad, if it makes sense. A prince claims to be her bestfriend, isn't that good enough?

"Sweetie, get this to table 6 before it gets cold," her mother snatches her out of day dreaming and pushes the bowl over the counter.

"Yes, mom."

The day just keeps getting slower and slower for her. The troll can't even feel rested well enough as these thoughts linger in the night. It might be a little too much to wish for more than just being best friends, but the dreams she gets at night makes her want for it to happen.

"Here's your order. Do you want a sundae for dessert? We got a new set of flavors for you to try."

"No thank you, Keely, dear. All these eating has already made me a lot flabbier," says the old troll.

She shakes her head to disagree, "You still look great, uncle Don." The girl stops by the restaurant's window, looking outside towards the tallest structure in all Vibe City. She wondered if Darnell would come today like he always does, but then again, Keely had certainly been pushing him away, and it's already getting late.

Just then, the lights had all turned gold.

Trolls from all around vibe city looked up to the King and Queen's home, the one she's been eyeing on right now. Seconds later, King Quincy comes out of the balcony and raises his voice to the big tuba, which to them, serves as a speaker that reaches everyone's ears.

"Our son has returned!"

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