Chapter 18

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All that he could do was watch with his brother as their parents were taken away to some 'special seats' for the rulers. They were then allowed to be seated among the crowd, where lots of trolls from all different musics were taken hostage by Queen Barb for this little experiment. He and Cooper checked every funk troll citizen if they were okay, and along the way, he's been searching for Keely whom he've last seen with that beanie guy.

"Excuse me, did anyone see Keely?— You know Keely, right?...... Aren't you guys together at the engineering crew?" he asked multiple trolls, but none of them had seen the girl. Either they didn't know her, or wasn't actually paying attention to her presence. She wasn't a sociable troll, so it was to be expected after all. This is just making him worry even more about her. Who knows what these trolls are planning to do to them?

"Prince D!"
"Prince D!"

Two familiar voices caught up to him, whom he had recognized as Keely's parents. "Oh, Gill and Ross! You guys have seen Keely?!"

Ross, Keely's dad, shook his head, "We hadn't seen her since we got here."

"We figured you could've been with her," said Gill.

Darnell sighed, taking one last look around before going back to his twin brother, "I'll let you guys know once I find her!"

"Same from us, Prince D! We appreciate it!" says Ross.

He sees Cooper talking to another troll, but not of Funk City's. He seems to be have come from funk as his features were similar to the Queen of Pop. "Yo Cooper, everything alright?"

"Yeah. No one was hurt, D, but I couldn't find the girl we met earlier. Oh! By the way, I like you to meet the former King of Pop trolls, King Peppy," he delightfully makes way to let him see the old pop troll.

"Nice to meet you, sir," Prince D nods.

"Likewise, Prince of Funk. I wouldn't have believed Cooper if I hadn't seen you personally," he chuckles, but it was short lived as he now expresses worry for his daughter, ".... All these chaos for the strings. Poppy has good intentions, but we can't change what has already been severed for many years."

"Sounds about right in this situation," Cooper mumbled, looking around at all the frightened trolls.

"There must be something else we can do about this," Darnell looks around in order to find a solution to fight back, and more importantly, to get their parents back. A lightbulb lit up inside his head and he turns back to his twin, "You still do that, right?"

Cooper looks around confused, "What? What did I do?"

"That—Th-That hair thing!"

"Oh! That?" he chuckles, "I think all trolls can do that, it even changes colors."

"Can you do that again?"


Darnell turns him around and points at the door that says Rock Personnels Only, "A'right, here's the plan. You knock out that one on the upper stands. Strangle him with your hair, and hide the body."

"T-That seems a bit violent," Cooper shuddered.

"That'll distract the other trolls surrounding him, you run back to the Funk Trolls' area and hide among them. I will sneak in and try to get to mom and dad."

"I'll come with you, Prince D," says King Peppy, "I must rescue Poppy from them."

Darnell was about to go against it, but they have no other choice. None of these trolls looks to be brave enough to venture through more danger just for a few's survival. "Okay. Let's do this."

King Peppy and Prince D dashed on separate directions while Cooper was still stunned of what he's about to do, "Wait—Guys!" Realizing that there's no choice in the situation, he proceeds to casually walk there with quaking joints. Two of the rock trolls noticed his strange behavior and pointed spears at him, making the poor guy yelp.

"What's your business here, buddy?" one of them asks.

"I-I-I n-need to.... to..." his eyes glanced to the side where Darnell is signaling him to proceed, ".... take a dump..."

The other troll held a disgusted expression, "Make it quick."

They made way and he entered hurriedly. As soon as the door was closed, something happened inside that made almost all instruments sounded like they've tumbled down one by one. Cooper bursts through the door again, slamming it on the male troll's face.

"What the.." the other troll stared in shock as he sees him carrying another person on his back, all tied up.

After that, a few other Rock Trolls ran after him, "Trollnapper! Give him back!"

The two that guarded the door rushed along with them, giving Darnell and Peppy a free passage.

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