Chapter 39

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"You've got me gawkin', balkin', trippin'
Flippin', buggin', frettin', freakin'
Goin' ga-ga-goo-ga! Yeah you got me geeked!"

Party started for the King and Queen of Funk's 20th wedding anniversary. It was a big feast with everyone in Vibe City's paying respects for the royal family. The pair danced right off the bat, letting their sons in charge of the event. Yes, sons. Cooper is here for obvious reasons, and Prince D has plans for tonight which he and Quincy prepared in advance. Though this tactic is only a 50/50 percent humiliation and possible success, Darnell would gladly do it.... as long as he can keep himself calm throughout the party.

"More drinks for you, bro?" Cooper dashes right next to him with two glasses balanced on his back.

"Thanks," he takes out and gulps the grape juice down in one quick gulp.

"Wow, that disappeared pretty fast," he chuckles, but the way Prince D glances at him made the troll silent. Cooper fidgeted on his spot, slurping away from his cup until he decided to speak up again, ".... Listen, I'm sorry if I've ruined anything between you and Keely.

Darnell shakes his head, "Nah, I'm sorry for being uptight. You've probably heard what I said back at Trollstopia. But it's not your fault."

"Well, I did kinda looked like I stole your gal."

"We're not.... like that. I shouldn't have said anything to her back then. I'm actually glad you stuck with her as soon as you met, 'cause she would've been so bored of me. Although now she hates my guts."

"What are you talkin' 'bout Prince D? Keely wants to see you, everyday. We talk about you in almost every letter."

He raised an eye brow, ".... She does?"

Cooper gasped, blocking his mouth with a left hand, "Wait, should I have said that? I think I shouldn't have." Seeing his brother grin made him think it was a good slip. Cooper smiles, bumping himself on to him, "Ey ey ey, I see what's going on. You got the ultimate hots for her don't you?"

Prince D almost cowered with that fact being pointed out loud and clear, "Honestly... yes?"

His brother squealed quietly, jumping on his tippy toes until he had released all excitement. "Then it's worth it!"

"What's worth it?"

Cooper pursed his lips excitedly, his hair extending to shut it up, (You'll see Prince D, a little bit sooner.) his words muffled through tangled hair.

The song ended and King Quincy and Queen Essence stood on the stage, facing everyone, "Thank you for your attendance, everyone. Especially the pop trolls, I didn't expect you guys to attend as well given the construction of Trollstopia."

Prince D glances at Cooper who had already ran away from him, 'The pop trolls are here?'

King Quincy continues, "For twenty long years, it's the first time we're celebrating anniversary in public. Our union still stays strong and forever will be. My love, my queen," he turns to his wife, holding her hand, "this moment seems like a dream, and even though I wake up, I'm not afraid. 'Cause you know what I think? I'd wake up and I'll be back twelve years ago to when I first laid eyes on you."

Everyone claps in awe.

"Or maybe ten years ago to when we had our sons! Boy, that was the reality I'd always hold on to. And look at our young princes, they're almost ready to face the world."

Essence whispers to him, "Too much endearing, my love. You should probably just save that for later."

"Right, of course," he regains composure and turns back to the crowd, "And more than that, our rule of Vibe City maintained prosperity. And in the next thirty years, we swear to head on to the same goal, the advancement for our future generations."

Queen Essence cuts in, "Especially now that all tribes are united, we'll won't hold back. Our culture will stay the same, in harmony along with Pop, Rock, Classic, Techno, and Country. This is the base for a good change, improvements, and most important of all, connecting to one another."

Prince D sees his cue and floats his hoverboard behind the stage while his Dad gives him the spotlight, "As for this special day, we would like to hear a few words from our event coordinator Prince D. Son, you never let us down. People of Vibe City, give a big round of applause for your future King of Funk."

'Okay, that's kinda intense,' hearing the sudden announcement of the official line to the throne gave him cold feet. 'Okay, keep it together. Stay calm. Just do it.'

Essence gave Quincy the look, "Why'd you do that for? He's already this nervous."

"I thought at least her family would consider things and help out," he whispered back, to which the Queen gave a playful eye roll.

"Good day, Vibe City!" Prince D started with the usual audience thriller. "So yeah, King and Queen's wedding anniversary. I should be really glad right now 'cause without that event, I wouldn't even be born." They all chuckled at his little side joke. "Of course, I had to thank these two for that. You guys are awesome, you know that. Like, I literally say that every occasion. Yeah..... But you know, right now.... I ain't in a celebratory mood." Everyone awed, some whispering to themselves.

Darnell expected those reactions, but none of it was hers, and knowing she's not here makes him somewhat confident on his next words, "There's this girl, you see. I've stalked her for a long while. Yeah call me stalker or whatever, but it's not like that you know. She didn't know who I was. And that fact is too surprising since I'm the well-known Prince D! I visited her family restaurant every week when I'm free. I wanted to be her friend. And I've got to that point, thankfully. She's fun, and we got along so well that I..... I ended up being her best friend."

He took a deep breath to calm his nerves, his feet probably sweating from fear of what might come next. With a one huge gulp, he continued, "Things.... got out of hand. I said some words I shouldn't have.... And I'm sorry. I know you can hear me from all the way to your home, you mentioned that before. So, at least I'm certain that you're listening. I'm sorry..... But you know what I wanted to tell? I meant it, that it was a mistake that I said we're best friends."

Queen Essence leaned a bit more to her husband, "Is this a confession or is he severing all ties in the worst way possible?"

"Former. It's the former," King Quincy nodded assuringly.

"I want to spend more time with you, I like being with you. What was a typical thing for me to do is a lot more fun when you're around. So fun that it's creating some funny feelings within me that I've only ever heard from two certain people who's celebrating their wedding anniversary right now," Prince D took one more deep breath, his soul and consciousness practically leaving him for a while for this, "All I'm saying is I didn't wanna be your best friend, 'cause I wanted more than that. If you'd at least give me a hint that you feel the same way, please let me know, Keely!"

Curious glances happened all around. Literally all population of Vibe City is witness to this right now and they can't help but anticipate with what will happen next.

"...'Cause if you don't, I promise I'll stop getting my hopes up. But I'd still be there when you need me. That's.... what friends are for, right? A-And even if you d-don't want to, it's fine but I'd still do it," it must be obvious by now that he's trembling.

Cooper said she'd wanted to see him, that's what's keeping him from running away from this stage right now. Had he thought wrong of that slight chance he had? Would she even respond?

Seconds ticked by without an answer.

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