Chapter 38

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King Quincy and Queen Essence worried for their little prince as he continued picking on his food on the plate. Days passed after he returned and he still acts as if all hope was lost. They could only think of one thing, but it was too early for them to act on it before. Now may as well be enough time for him to give his response to the problem, especially since it's been going on long enough for them to be concerned.

"Prince D," King Quincy started, "I see you still don't have an appetite for your meals. Why don't we go chill out on the balcony, just the two of us, man to man. Hmm?"

It didn't take more words for him to do as his dad says, and leaves the dinner table with heavy feet. Essence glances at her husband with a nod, leaving the talk to him while she tend to their duties.

Darnell waited for his dad outside the dining room, going out with him towards the ship's balcony. It was a long silence until Quincy speaks up, "Has something happened with that girl you like?"

"You got me figured out from the start, huh?" Prince D chuckles.

"It's the only reason I could think of...... And your brother also has been reaching to us to make sure you're okay."

He felt bad dragging Cooper into his rage, D has been ignoring his brother's letters for a while now and doesn't plan to reply anytime sooner. "....What else had he told you?"

"Nothing that could beat your point of view, I assume," King Quincy smiles leaning on the railings, "Son, our plan's still on going, would you still want to continue or are you gonna quit just like that?"

"It's not that I wanna quit. I just happen to ruin everything before it even started. I hurt her real bad," Prince D blinks his tears away, "I've worded things out unintentionally, and it got me nowhere. Now she's probably hating me, and I don't blame her for it."

"Hey," his dad chuckles, placing an arm around him to pull him close, "you just answered my question in zigzag but it all meant you gave up. It's too soon to give up, Prince D. If you said something she misunderstood, then talk it out. Prove that you didn't mean it. Just look at me when your mom gets angry at some things I say, I apologize, don't I?"

He looks away, ashamed of himself, "Even though I told her it was a mistake that we've been friends?"

Quincy frowned, but still didn't let go of him. "We all make mistakes, but wasn't your intention to be more than just friends with her?" He blinks, wiping away his tears. It was uncool of him to cry, or to whine about anything. "Tell you what, it's me and your mother's anniversary next month. Why don't we stir things up a little?"

Darnell chuckles. His old man and him as the naughty team always gets on his mom's nerves sometimes, which is why they'd argue most of the time when he was little.

Marga and Keely became a bit more close after she returned from Trollstopia. All that was said and done was express interest on the new world she'd gotten to see, and it didn't take long for her to find more trolls to be acquainted with. It was a helpful distraction for her indeed, but Keely would've been more at ease to see someone who she particularly would want to see visiting at this time of the day.

"Hello~ Marga to Keely. Girl, you're spacing out more often than you should. Is your brain still dancing around on Trollstopia?"

She looks at her co-worker who was in charge in cleaning duty of the machines today. "What is it?"

"I'm just checking if you've already inputted all the task given to you before you let us all slide to the east on the mothership."

Keely checks all the controls, and everything is in their right order except for the lights in the boiler room at the middle layer of the ship, which she just turned on. The troll sighs, resting her elbow on the side, "Something must be wrong with me."

"Yeah. You look like you're airsick or somethin'."

"No. It's not that..." she sighs.

Marga looks back to her friend and discards the towel to the floor to stand closer to the troll, "If anything's bothering you, I'm all ears. I won't judge, I promise." Keely stared at her, hesitating if she could trust her. The weight in her heart is much more heavier than ever so she has no control over the tears that started flowing out all of the sudden, shocking her co-worker, "I-I didn't mean to pressure you like that. Come on, d-don't cry. I'm sorry, okay?"

"Marga, am I too greedy?"

"What? No, you aren't. Why would you say that? Actually, who did say that? I will kick their a🐣s for you!"

"I just didn't wanna put more stress on him since he looked like he has a lot to do. And we had lots of things to do too. I didn't think he'd be offended that I'm easily befriending his brother."

Marga shook her head, trying to understand what she's saying, "Girl, you're not greedy, ok? Seeking for people to accompany you isn't greedy. That's just selfish of him."

"Still, I'm the one who ruined it..."

"Wait.... Are you perhaps... talking about Prince D?" Marga gasps as Keely nodded. "Girl, I'm in no position to judge, but I think you're both just tired. As far as I know, Prince D is so busy organizing things left and right along with Trollstopia.... I'm sure he just said those things out of frustration. Still, he shouldn't have said those things to you."

"What should I do?" Keely cried, "He doesn't seem to wanna talk to me anymore."

Marga hugs her, soothing the troll's hair, "It's gonna to be okay. Friendships don't just completely severe like that with only one big fight." And Marga isn't saying this just because she and the crew thought that her and Prince D looked cute together on stage back when Queen Barb had kidnapped all of them.

"It doesn't?..."

"It doesn't. Once things get patched up, it'll only grow stronger. You'll see."

Keely truly hoped that's the case.

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