Chapter 9

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"What?! What the-What is it Brigs?" she stood up to meet her supervisor after day dreaming in front of the westward gravity support controls.

"Where's your head at, girl? And elevate the second to fifth bubble! The ship's already slanting eight degrees to north-west."

"Oh!" she quickly goes through the panel to balance the ship. Brigs walks away to check on the others, and Keely releases a big sigh after he was out of hearing range.

"Boy problems?"

She gave the female troll next to her a deadpan stare, "Marga, you were supposed to help me out here." Marga is her partner to today's assignment of maintaining the gravity at the western half of the Vibe City, but instead of giving her a warning, the green troll with blue hair just watched her get reprimanded by their assigned supervisor.

"Sorry, I was busy actually doing something. What were you thinking, staring off into space?"

"Nothing! I'm not thinking of anything! I'm just tired, okay?" she avoided the question without even a blink.

"Uhuh, sure. That over-the-clouds smile doesn't mean anything in particular," she smirks and walks away.

Keely stood there, bewildered, 'Was I actually smiling?' The girl groaned in annoyance. Marga must've thought of her as an idiot now, but it's all her brain's fault for making her remember that moment.

Prince D still goes to the restaurant every now and then, and it just so happens that he does so every day-off of hers. She couldn't help but think that there was something more to his intentions, but Keely just had to stop herself from thinking beyond her imagination. This is the prince, we're talking about, not just any common troll you find in Vibe City. And he did say that he barely made friends with anyone, so maybe he considers her as one.

Darnell hummed the song as he strutted through the hallway of his home. King Quincy and Queen Essence saw their son in a good mood as he enters the dining hall, "Prince D, has something good happened to put you in a mood to hum? I thought you're all about hip hop, " asked his dad with a teasing tone.

"Sorta, yeah," his grin can't be concealed at this point.

"Oh my. By the looks of it, I can tell it's a girl," said Queen Essence.

"A girl? How long?" King Quincy glances back to his son excitedly.

His wife took a guess first, "I bet it's a year."

"A year..." he replied with a small nod.

Essence looked at her husband with a smirk, "Knew it. Like father, like son."

Quincy chuckled, "I once fell in love with a girl who only knew four vowels. She didn't know I existed." The two chuckles at his lame joke.

"Until you took me out on a date and revealed yourself as the stalker who always left a flower on the porch," she laughs.

"Your dad almost hit me with the cane if he hadn't took a second to realize that I'm the prince."

"How did you two get together?" asked Darnell.

"We took a few rough roads here and there, especially since a lot of girls stormed through the doors that I barely noticed your shy mother at the back of the crowd."

"But then his voice boomed throughout the area at the call of my name."

"And then I proposed to her at my coronation," Quincy ended.

"Dang..." Darnell breathed out, "It's like coming off of a fairytale."

His dad then looks him in the eye with a serious expression, "Remember, D, everyone has their own way of creating a relationship. Build it, step by step. No need to rush these things."

"And make sure that you two have that mutual connection. You'll never know, she might not be feeling it," Queen Essence added.

"How could she not? Our son is the ideal boyfriend any troll can have. An apple doesn't fall far from the tree, after all."

His wife shakes her head, "You and your silly jokes."

The last part of what his mother said struck him like a hurricane. It ain't impossible that she would only think of him as a friend, they've only just gotten to know each other a bit better not too long ago. It's not long enough for them to consider these feelings as attraction.

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