Chapter 22

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Darnell wrestled her on the ground, some of the Hard Rock Trolls even laughed at them as an entertaining side show. Peppy and Cooper can't interfere as the turned Funk Troll is going wild, kicking and growling while trying to beat up the prince.

"Keely—Keely, come on—-" he used his back feet to kick her away from him. A slight whimper escapes from her, making his expression change to one of worry, "Oh, no. I-I'm so sorry! I didn't really mean to—" She quickly stood back up on her feet and pins him down again.

"H-Hold on, D! I'll pull her--" even before his twin could get close to her, the troll kicks him away, pushing other rock trolls along with him.

"Cooper!" Peppy rushed to come to his aid.

Darnell yelp in pain as she continued scratching at him, one of her strike had gotten deeper at the base of his neck that a bit of blood (oozy candy lmao) came out of it. His limbs, weakened from pain, were unable to stop this zombie from strangling him. The more he hears her growl, the more his heart churn at the fact that she was now no longer a troll he knew. He had lost her for good. His only friend. His... first love.

Everything around him, all the cheers and laughter sounded muffled to his ears, only able to hear the sound of his own heart slow its beating. The struggle seemed to go on forever until he felt something drop on his face.

Darnell's eyes opens again, and what he saw made his mind focus out from panicking. Even though this Rock zombie is trying to force the life out of him, her eyes speaks differently. Along with that deranged expression is a stream of tears, which does not match to the expression it shows to him.

'Keely...' at that moment, they seemed to connect to each other without any words spoken. She's hurting, he feels it. He wasn't sure if it helps, but Darnell gently rubbed her hands that is strangling him, giving a strained but reassuring smile and mouthed, 'I'm okay.'

Keely cried, feeling dreadful from hurting other trolls, and especially from hurting him.

Barb saw the commotion and chuckles, then hears a squeak from the cage being opened. Poppy successfully got out, but before she could get away from the spot, the Queen of Rock isn't planning to let her off the hook, "Not so fast, popsqueak," she turns to Branch, "Hey, boy toy, it's mullet time."

After getting a strike from the power chord, the Pop Queen fell down along with the cage. "Poppy!" Peppy wasn't able to do anything but watch with Cooper as his daughter was turned into one of her puppets. What once was a sweet and colorful girl now looks just as the enemy, with eyes glowing red. "Who wants to party?!—Without smiling."

Darnell continued to fight Keely off, but it appears that her zombie form is much stronger due to the strings' powers. On top of that, he already feels bruised all over the front.

Satisfied with the result, Barb entrusts the guitar to the zombie Poppy, "Finish them off," pointing her dad first. Cooper and Peppy stood together, unable to escape from all the Rock Trolls that surrounded them.

"I guess this is it..." Peppy breathed out.

"She looks cool playing that electric guitar though," Cooper chuckled, but he is too much of a nervous wreck to maintain a smile.

Before anything could happen after pointing the guitar towards them, the girl winked and turned the instrument to Queen Barb. The two smiled in relief, and shock at the same time.

"What are you doing? You're supposed to be a Rock Zombie!" Barb is utterly confused.

Poppy takes out something from her ears,"Gumdrops. Sound proof and delicious," then eats it, making the audiences groan in disgust.

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