Chapter 15

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Their two minute conversation of different types of trolls they haven't seen before was cut short when her supervisor informed her on the radio that Prince Cooper's guest is finally found. Keely excuses herself to inform the King and Queen, to which they are certainly grateful and called their sons to come up to greet the guests.

"See ya later, Keely!" Cooper waved at her with the largest smile and ran off beside his parents. Darnell stayed a bit, eyes still fixated on her as she waves back to his twin brother.

The girl notices his stare and smiles at him, "I'm glad you finally met your twin. I rarely meet any twins here in Vibe City, you two look so much alike."

"Yeah. I am happy 'bout that. He's fun to hang around with, I can tell."

"True. He's got that overly friendly vibe," she chuckles. "Aren't you supposed to be catching up to them?"

"Right.... I'll.... I guess I'll see you later," he nods. Keely nods back, sensing an uncomfortable tension from him. She thinks that maybe it was because of her avoiding him that made Darnell uneasy. Guess she had to make up for the loose bond this time.

It wasn't long before she was called back again to perform her duties, much to her dismay since it was supposed to be her day off today. Brigs assigned her to the external system where she'll replace certain parts for the solar panels. 'This should be easy enough. Hope I can still have the rest of the day off,' Keely had just reached her hand out to the door knob of the exit when the alarm resonated in the ship, "What the.."

"Control room to Keely, over," she recognized the voice as Marga's.

"This is Keely, what's the status?" she replies.

"Do not go out of the mothership! I repeat, do no—" along with the loss of power, the communication system had also been disrupted. Keely slowly removed the radio from her ear, feeling a sense of dread overwhelm her. It's too dark to see anything from the hallway, and there are no trolls in sight. The only option is to open the door to let a bit of light in, but she wasn't supposed to do it.

'What could've happened?' she wondered. Walking back to the nearest control room would risk tripping over tons of wires, but it's totally better than to stay here. "Okay.... I can do this," Keely reassures herself. Just as she was only a few steps away, the door bursts open, literally. The door flew to the wall, and in came a rather unfamiliar looking troll. Normally, guests would be invited through the suction bubble towards the King and Queen's meeting lobby, but this one had to set off a bomb to get in.

The guy looks around in confusion, until he sees her standing there petrified.

'An intruder!' her eyes widens.

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