Chapter 40

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The window swung open all of a sudden.


"Wait, Keely don't—!" Poppy was just in time to swing her hair to catch her.

People searched curiously for the sudden loud voice that echoed nearby. Prince D snaps his head to one particular direction. He chose this venue because it had a clear view of the house that Keely lives in even though it's a bit far away. Right there, he sees the troll he's been calling out for, hanging by her feet with a megaphone in hand, looking very shocked.


She felt like her lunch was gonna spill, both from nervousness and the near fall she had on the two storey building.

All the pop trolls that are present went to her and convinced that this is a right time to reveal her own feelings to Prince D. Connecting the dots together was Branch's job, Cooper's letters is a way for them to tell what these two are up to, and the rest was all planned by the Queen. All they needed to do was upgrade her a little before using the megaphone to disrupt the celebration once they arrived at the venue. They were certain that these two held the same feelings to one another, and that announcement that Cooper's brother did was what they didn't expect to add up to the plan, especially the part where Keely would slam open the window like making a grand entrance with a very excited expression.

"Keely!" Darnell spoke to the microphone, "Are you alright?!"

"Yes!... Kinda. Just... hanging around," she chuckled. Silence filled the gap between them.

"Awkward," whispered by one Funk troll to another.

"Is this the right moment? Should I do something?" Poppy asked to her gang behind her.

"Hold on. All attention's on her now, she should continue," says Biggie, one of Poppy's close friends.

"We're literally leaving her hanging out there. Shouldn't we at least put her back in the room?" says Branch.

While the pop trolls continued arguing inside, the troll blinked a few more times to adjust more into her upside down situation. This must be more uncomfortable for him as it is for her, "Uhm... I know this isn't the right moment, but the surprise you talked about... was this actually connected to it?"

D nodded, but he's too far away that she might not even notice it, "Sort of. It was a bad idea, huh?"

"Not really. But you did overreact."

He chuckles, getting his hover board and flew towards her. With the microphone still in hand, they continued their conversation, "I'm sorry for that too. I was so used to have all your attention to myself, I couldn't get enough of it." They can hear almost all troll in the venue awe at them.

Keely looks down/up towards the window, harshly whispering to them to let her up. Noticing that Prince D is getting near, they waved goodbye, saying 'you can do it' and 'we'll be downstairs' along with 'your knight and shining armor will come rescue you' sort of lines. She shook her head, staring at him. It was a weird situation for her, with him being in front of her and not even doing anything, "You're really just gonna stay there?"

"Well, you haven't answered my question."

"And I'm hanging upside-down."

"You look great."

She pouted, "I'll vomit all over."

"Okay that was intense. They can hear you through the megaphone, you know."

"Oh sh--" Prince D covered her mouth before she can say it fully. There are youngsters among the trolls, so of course censorship is needed.

"Put on your breaks or I'll do it for you," he smirks.

"(Could you please get me down?)" was her muffled response.

"Is that a yes, then?"

As flustered as she is, this troll that captured his interest and heart is about to give the long awaited answer.

Keely turns off the megaphone, arms crossed with a sly smile, "Would you have expected otherwise, your majesty?"

He does the same with the mic, avoiding the others from hearing anything for just this big moment. "No need to address me as that, ever again. It'll be D, Prince D for you. The only boyfriend you'll ever have."

She laughs, "Undivided attention, huh?"

"You're all mine now," he pulls her away from the strand that entangled her, and it was easily loosened knowing that he's holding her close to not fall off. "Unless, of course... if you still wanna change your mind?"

"Nope," Keely shakes her head and kisses his cheek, "You're the only one that fits the description. So, should we head to the party?"

Prince D places an arm around her, "Hey now, where's the fun in that?"

"What happened? Did she answer him? Did she???" Gill shakes her husband anxiously, "Is our little girl grown up now? Is she gonna get married soon? Are we gonna end up being grandparents now?!"

"Calm down, you're not helping. I'm just as worried as you are," says Ross. "--And you're thinking way far ahead for your own good."

"Look up there!" yelled one of the Funk trolls around them.

The pair zoomed across Vibe City, planning to head out of the mothership for a joy ride. Everyone cheered for them, although not knowing what had happened. Most assumed that Keely accepted him, some said they stayed friends, but the King and Queen knew that look, and they smiled to each other triumphantly.

"I told you she'd say yes," he says.

"And I told you they'd keep the answer to themselves."

"It's a win-win, then?"

The pop trolls cheered, high-fiving each and everyone for the successful operation. Cooper then pops up behind his parents, "Guess I have a sister-in-law now?"

King Quincy laughs and gives him a little noogie, "You did well, too, Cooper. You're like cupid out there."

"Now that your brother is having his own matters to handle, you will have to spend more time with us now."

"Oh I'd be more than happy too! After all, this is my family," Cooper hugs them both. He takes on the stage, grabbing himself a microphone, "Alright, everyone! Get ready for a one big groovie party! In the honor of my parents and to congratulate those two lovebirds right there."

After a one big cheer from the crowd, the music booms out again.

~~~THE END~~~

I CAN NOT BELIEVE I'VE ACTUALLY FINISHED A BOOK THIS YEAR! Seriously! I'm not expecting it at all. So far, I think I'm pretty content with how this book turned out.
Thank you so much for reading this❤️ I appreciate all the hardships and cringiness you've endured to get to this point. Seeing a lot of people read it makes it all worth it.

If you guys might be interested, you can try reading my other books too, although most aren't finished yet😅 I'll do try updating every once in a while. My latest book is called Same:Opposites. If you haven't seen Metal Family yet on YouTube, then I HIGHLY recommend it.😍😍😍

Once again, THANK YOU everyone.

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