2| Kwamis And A Prefect Crush

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Adrien was coming over.

Adrien was coming over!

Marinette ran around the room, tearing down the pictures of him hung all along her walls. The poor girl was panicking like never before. Sure he has come to her house once, but that was only to practice a game. This time, he's here to tutor her. Meaning they'd probably sit down besides each other on the bed, and have their faces close to the same notebook. Oh, the horror.

She slid both of her hands down her cheeks, squeezing her face. Her eyes widened and she let out a squeak. "I have to change!"

Tikki followed her, back and forth, as she went from one side of the room to the other, trying on different outfits and styles. With a dissatisfied look in the mirror, she rushed back to her closet.

"Gaaaah, Tikki, help me," she squealed, flailing her arms in crazy directions. "I know his entire schedule by heart but I can't even figure out what he likes in a girl." She repeatedly pounded her fists against her temples. "What do I do?" She glanced up at her kwami, her eyes desperate.

"Marinette... everyone likes people who are true to themselves. People who aren't afraid to be who they are. So don't pretend to be someone you're not, and just act like... Marinette." Earning a louder scream, and yet a bigger fit of panicking, Tikki shook her head. "Or don't," she added, watching as the rest of the kwamis floated up by her side, surrounding her owner.

"Master, you need a therapy session," Kaalki complained. She received pointed looks from her kind, and turned away. "Ugh, Mullo, just help her."

The mouse advanced towards the guardian and politely put its tiny arm on her cheek. "Let's pick something nice together."

"Thank you, Mullo." With an exasperated sigh, Marinette accepted the kwami's aid, and together, they managed to find a fitting outfit for both, having Marinette be comfortable while also being able to impress the crush. Who was now ringing the door bell. "Everyone hide!"

And the kwamis rushed back to the miracle box, including Tikki herself.

A deep breath in, and she was on her way downstairs to greet him. Only to find her parents already doing that. "We've heard so much about you." Tom threw his arms out to pat Adrien's shoulders, and Marinette felt a blush coat her cheeks.

"Dad." She groaned, softly pushing her parents away from him. "We have a lot of work to do so please, excuse us." She didn't know where she found the courage to grab his hand, but she did. And she tugged him behind her, upstairs to her now spotless room. By spotless, probably means no sign of Adrien pictures whatsoever.

"Are you okay?" he asked, stopping them in their tracks after having closed the trap-door.

"What? I'm fine, I'm fine. Ha ha, you're great-I mean, I'm great." A cheeky smile lit up her face, and no matter how innocent she tried to seem, her efforts were futile.

"Your hand is shaking." He looked down at their still intertwined fingers, and the second Marinette followed his gaze, she immediately released his hand.

"Sorry." She giggled, internally screaming like a hormonal teenager. Which she was.

He chuckled along with her. "I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable."

"Uncomfortable? Absolutely not, I loved holding your hand. No! That's not what I meant-" She was hopeless. Utterly hopeless.

"Marinette." He cut her off. "You don't have to explain every single thing." After a gentle pause, Adrien smiled. "I loved holding your hand too."

And cue the swooning.

An hour has passed, and like she'd imagined, they were sitting next to one another on her bed. Better yet, their faces were so close as they both stared down at the same notebook, where Adrien drew simplified charts and wrote summaries for her to understand. She wouldn't mind having him tutor her every day of the week. He was a great teacher. And his presence alone was enough to help her feel at ease concerning her academic life. Though, the opposite could be said about the love department.

Her heart was racing a mile a minute. Every time he'd look to see if she was paying attention, she would blatantly malfunction and lag like a battered computer. It made him wonder if she even liked him at all.

Thinking back to Plagg's words, he couldn't make out exactly what they meant. He didn't know whether they were directed at him, or Marinette. Was he the one who loved her but was incapable of seeing it? Or was she the one in love with him and he couldn't figure it out?

Either way, he knew his feelings for Ladybug were way out of proportion. To the point where, even if he did love Marinette just a bit, three quarters of his heart still belonged to his lady. It would only be unfair if he led her on, just to end up breaking her heart once she finds out he's crazy about someone else.

"And that is all." He set down the pen, turning to give her a soft smile.

"Really? You made it sound so simple."

"The least I could do for you."

"Would you... like to stay for a while? You know, to spend some more time together without all of," she gestured towards the books scattered upon her sheets, "this?" She surprised herself by not staggering upon her words. It gave her a slight confidence boost to be able to interact with him normally, even if just once.

"Yeah! I'd love to."

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