17| Change Of Plans

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After a long hour of saving the city from Lila's terrorizing, the two superheroes decided to meet later at night. Under the name of patrol, of course, when frankly, they just wanted to spend time together. Each silently wishing to patch up the holes they've drilled into the other.

Marinette made it her mission to find out how she truly felt about Chat Noir. Because like the kwamis had said, she was conflicted. Both Adrien and Chat Noir gained a special place in her heart, yet she didn't know who she cherished the most. Her and Adrien never interacted much. It was on rare occasions that they spoke. But her and Chat Noir almost talked on the daily.

This had her torn. It was like she yearned for her kitty but Adrien restricted her from moving one step ahead. She was prepared to let him go, but him accepting her confession so easily took her back to the very beginning.

"You were great, Alya!"

Her best friend laughed, throwing her head back. "It was about time to show Lila who the real fox is."

"That was so cool what you did."

"Had to fight fire with fire. Volpina isn't the only one who creates illusions, y'know?" She nudged Marinette then turned to the clock. At the sight of the hour strike nine, Alya's eyes widened. "Oh my God, girl, don't you have a date with Chat Noir?"

"Alya," she groaned, "it's not a date. He can barely look me in the face."

"Come on, he literally said he still loved Ladybug. There's still a chance."

"No, there isn't! I already told you, Adrien and I can be a thing now. There's no place for Chat Noir."

"Yeah, no, I still hate that." She gave her a pointed look. "I would've loved for you and Adrien to work out, I really would have. But not when it comes at Chat Noir's expense."

The words echoed in her mind, and Marinette found herself transforming with a burdened expression. Her yo-yo tinged with two voice messages from her kitty, each one an hour apart. She tapped them open. "Will you come with me to the movies, m'lady?" the first one suggested and she turned to Alya.

"See?" She gestured to her yo-yo, holding it up for her best friend to see. "He's still after ladybug!"

"So? You still went after Adrien." She scowled.

Clicking onto the next message, it made her face fall, and Alya burst into fits of laughter. "Sorry, m'lady, but I think I'm gonna cancel today. I'll meet you another time." He sounded upset, his voice choked with tears, like he was battling emotional disturbances just as much as she was.

"What? How could he—"

"That's what you deserve, girl. I bet he's coming to get Marinette instead." She wiggled her eyebrows, and as if on cue, a knock came from the window. Their heads whipped to its direction and Alya rushed to cover Marinette, "Transform back."

Panicking, she whispered, "Spots off."

Chat Noir leaned forward towards the glass, trying to get a better view of what was going on inside. He perked up when he saw Alya, and Marinette popped up from behind her, sending an awkward wave his way.

They stood there for a while, each on their own side until Alya cleared her throat. "Aren't you gonna let him in?"

She screamed, jumping a step back. "Yes, yes, that's right." She giggled, embarrassed as she reached her window and pushed it open. Chat Noir's eyes never once left her, inspecting her every move.

"Hey there, princess. Didn't know you had company." He hopped in, flicking invisible dust off his shoulders. "I was feline..." He knelt down and took a hold of Marinette's hand. "Like taking you to the movies." Placing a soft peck atop the delicacy of her skin, he smirked. 

"Chat Noir..." She averted her gaze, her heart wringing at the bomb she was about to drop on him. "Thanks to your encouragement, I—"

"Oh, no, you don't." Alya pulled her away, forcing Marinette to face her.

"No, no, it's fine," he interrupted, "I already got what you're trying to say." He sighed, taking on a dramatic act to get his point across, in a believable manner. "You told him, didn't you?"

"How did you...?" she asked, unable to complete her sentence.

"Call it..." He put a few fingers to his chin, tapping it in thought. When the perfect word made appearance in his mind, he livened. "Cat intuition." The girls giggled to themselves, turning to him once more as he spoke, "Let me guess, he didn't reject you."

"Yeah... That's why you and I, we—"

"I expected it." He shrugged. "But it's for the best, princess."

The tension all over her demeanor dissolved. "I'm glad you could understand," Marinette said, flooded with relief. "I was so worried it would've hurt you."

Everyone had made it into a big deal. When in reality, Chat Noir didn't seem bothered at all. Clearly, he too had the same intentions of breaking things up before they even got the chance to begin. It felt as if all the stress thrown upon her shoulders, and the accusations of the kwamis and her best friend, vanished into nothing but serenity. Now, she could start her new chapter with Adrien at ease, instead of carrying the burden of having broken Chat Noir twice. Still... It felt so wrong, and she couldn't understand why.

After all this while of trying to convey her feelings to Adrien properly, the one time she wasn't sure if she meant it, was the one time she actually went ahead and confessed. She was messing things up, and she didn't understand why. This was a mistake. It felt like it was.

"Don't stress it. This stray is a little betrayed but hey! I could still be your secret mate." With a flirtatious smile, he watched her turn away with a soft blush to her cheeks.

"You've got to be kidding." Alya rolled her eyes, and crossed her arms. She's never been so disappointed with her friend before. She threw all of her moving on progress away. Not like there was any in the first place but still, she couldn't help feeling bad for the superhero. "About the movies..."

"You could tag along too." He puffed out his chest, raising his head high. "And bring that lover of yours. Thank me later."

"Nino is busy tonight, so I think I might pass."

"Or!" Marinette clasped her hands together. "You can come with us."

"Ugh, girl," she slapped a hand to her face, "Shouldn't you at least make it up to him by spending some time alone?"

"I think she's right. You and me," he gestured between the both of them, his gaze suggestive, "Sounds like a pawsome plan." He offered his hand to her like a prince would his princess, and without thinking, Marinette found herself intertwining her fingers with his.

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