26| Untamed Desires

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Chat Noir travelled through the city, hopping from roof to roof. The moon shone bright against the obscurity of the night, stars adorning the darkened sky. They all blazed with the same fire within his heart, and excitement rushed through him at the mere thought of Marinette.

He itched with the burning desire to hold her tight, pressed up against him in every way. He wanted to show her just how much he cherished her. How much he appreciated her for being the one person by his side through the toughest of times.

His silver-tipped boots came in contact with the wooden panels of her balcony, and strutted his way to her trap-door. Chat gently knocked, extra careful not to accidentally startle her. After today's events, and witnessing an akuma attack first-hand, she must've been really shaken up.

Marinette pushed open the hatch. Her natural beauty entranced him. The way her bluebell eyes stared up at him with a mischievous glint. Or the way her glossed lips pulled into a genuine smile at his arrival. His breath hitched within the back of his throat, his chest heavy. "I expected you." She slightly moved aside.

Jumping in, her rosy sheets wrinkled beneath him. "I don't like it when I'm too predictable for you." He smirked, inching his face closer to hers. Struggling to push the fact that she was in nothing but her pyjamas to the back of his mind. "Oh well..." He shrugged, slowly withdrawing himself from their proximity. Immediately, the space between them, though wasn't much, felt hollow. And he yearned for her again. "Guess you'd have to wait for a surprise then."

"And what do you mean by that?" she challenged, crossing her arms.

"I never share my secrets." He leapt over the railing of her bed, gracefully landing onto the floor. He ran a clawed finger along the surface of her desk. "Besides, it wouldn't be a surprise now, would it?"

She shook her head, unable to rid her face of the amused grin that brightened it. Her eyes never once left him, following his every move. They widened in sheer panic as she watched him reach for her diary, and her heart plummeted into the pit of her stomach.

In her haste, Marinette rushed to climb down the ladder, in a desperate attempt to stop him. But her attention was altered, and she missed a step. She let out her signature clumsy scream and her body completely stiffened with tension. Her eyes squeezed shut, and she braced herself for a collision which, much to her pleasure, never came.

She fell directly into Chat's strong arms. One wrapped beneath her knees and the other around her waist in a tight hold. It elicited immediate sparks within the two of them, tingles running up their skin in a surge of shamless arousal.

He carried her like she was his bride, the only girl in the world he'd ever fallen absolutely and madly in love with. She'd given him the one thing he'd lacked most, all throughout his life. Company. The genuine human interaction he craved, and the love he's always sought-after.

Marinette proved herself to always be there when he needed. And that was mainly the reason why he swore to do the same. There also were many more things to her that he knew he loved. She was sweet, kind, and gentle. She was brave and always stood by everyone. She was loyal to her friends and carried herself with unmistakable self-worth. She was purely confident around him when he was Chat Noir, but shy and reserved around Adrien. Both of which he found cute, considering the spontaneity that always left him drowning in anticipation of what's to come.

Most of all, she wasn't one to lie. She deserved someone who'd care for her just as much as she cared for those she treasured, and he was more than ready to be that someone.

Her arms instinctively wrapped around his broad shoulders, and she unraveled her eyelids in a gradual manner that saved him a bit of time to admire her. As her room came into view, she turned to look at him, shocked to find his beautifully animalistic eyes boring into hers. "Did you just..." He paused, for a short moment mesmerized by the intensity of their contact. A smirk tugged at the corner of his lips. "Fall for me?"

"Put me down!" she groaned, playfully slapping his chest. She scrunched up her nose, pretending to have been turned off by his remark. When she was swooning on the inside. His touch, his stare, the golden locks draping over his forehead, the skin-tight suit, everything about him enticed her in ways that simply stole her breath away.

He chuckled, gently setting her back onto her feet. "Well..." He placed a hand to his firm stomach, "Aren't you gonna feed a hungry cat?"

"Depends." She shrugged, pressing herself flush against him. Her fingertips trailed over the line of his jaw, teasing, and Chat Noir swallowed. Unable to wrap his head around her sudden burst of confidence. "Is the cat really hungry or just wants the macaroons?"

Sheepish, he scratched the back of his head. "Just wants the macaroons."

Marinette giggled, and withdrew from him. "Wait for me on the balcony then. I'll come back with the most delicious tray of sweets."

At her departure, he chewed on his bottom lip and marveled in the glamor of his wild thoughts. Wherever that seductive tone came from, it sure was doing uncanny things to his arrhythmic heart.

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