28| Sweet Surprises

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"But..." He tilted his head, marveling in the hope that reclaimed its place within the glow of her eyes, "This time, I'm serious about it. Very serious about it." His voice harbored a rasp that drove her heart into a frenzy, and she felt it drop to the deepest pit of her stomach, which swarmed with numerous, fickle butterflies.

Overtaken by sheer surprise, Marinette mindlessly backed away, the end of her spine crashing into the balustrade of her balcony. She sucked in a sharp breath, watching him move towards her with idle, weighed steps, and position himself right in front of where she stood. Chest to chest.

She could sense the humming of his purrs through his suit, and he could easily feel the heaviness of her breathing against his own. Anticipation only sprouted further up the two of them, soon blooming into full-developed red roses. A symbol of love, never debatable.

He carefully leaned forward, his clawed hands clasping the railing on each side of her, his grip firm on the metal. Entrapping her between his arms.

Warmth radiated off of him in consistent waves, doing her already flaming cheeks no good. She stared up at him, unable to recollect herself. Her insides have started to melt way before he even made a move, and such proximity, left her lungs wondering how to properly breathe.

A gasp escaped her at the unexpected stroke of leather snaking tight around her waist, only drawing her closer, and into his taut chest. It took her a while to recover from the shock, and realize it was none other than his tail, working perfectly in cooperation with him.

Chat Noir's gaze flickered from the infinite ocean of her eyes to the pinkish glitter layering her lips. As if asking for permission, which she was too rigid to grant. "Princess..." he whispered, "May I?"

She matched his action, losing herself in the intensity of his stare. Slowly, and a little absently, Marinette nodded, her hands roaming up his chest and connecting at the back of his neck.

With a shaky breath, Chat lowered his head, eager to connect lips with hers. And he wasted no time to do as he pleased.

The feel of his soft lips against her lightly plump ones shook the two of them to the core, and her heart ran wild, beating in violent rhythms beneath her breastbone. The sweet taste of macarons persisted upon their lips, pristine and inviting. A shiver ran up her spine, and it seemed her body began moving on its own accord. Her fingers buried themselves deep within the silky strands of his hair, and her other hand gently slid down to his flexed bicep.

As he deepened the kiss, his tongue lightly infiltrated her parted lips to touch tips with hers. And Marinette found herself squeezing his bicep harder, holding onto it for support. She was unable to make sense of it all, even though she knew it wasn't the first time.

But it sure was the best one.

Fireworks erupted within him at such a slight action, doing uncanny things to his unruly heart. Her touch was the most addictive thing he's ever come across. It sent tingles flaring all over, and for a moment, he wished the suit wasn't much of a barrier between them. He craved feeling her skin against his own, but he knew he couldn't risk his identity. More importantly, Chat knew... if he didn't pull away this second, he would soon give in, and lose himself to the fervency of his desires.

He now could have her as Adrien, and he was more than ready to do so. But what he wanted most was to be able to reveal everything he was. And that included letting her in on his biggest secret; his double life. At the back of his mind, he made a mental note to ask the guardian of a green light, and with all the faith he could muster, he expected her approval with uneasy conviction.

Willing himself to pull away, with great effort, he still lingered, his lips hovering nearly an inch over her swollen ones. Their ragged breaths mingled with each other's, and Marinette released an involuntary mewl at his withdrawal, already missing the pleasure he'd coursed through her.

"How'd you like the surprise, princess?" he said, his words nothing above a whisper. "Am I predictable for you now?"

She couldn't form coherent thoughts, let alone coherent sentences. She was completely rendered speechless and breathless, she couldn't find it in her to say the right words. At all. And a comfortable silence was all that remained.

He smirked, pushing himself back and away from the railing. Much to his disappointment, he had to fully release her, his tail falling limp to the ground once more. And from the way she helplessly reached out to him, he could tell she too was displeased, and a wave of bliss (and pride) washed over him.

Before his departure, Chat Noir feared he'd leave her stressing over his civilian self, thinking she might've betrayed him, or worse, cheated. So he attempted to hint at it, to assure her she had nothing to worry about just yet. "I had to do it at least once, y'know? Before you're official with that guy."

At that, and the not-so-subtle wink he sent her way, her face lightened up with a smile. Because she knew damn well that he was 'that guy.'

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