27| Wild Feelings

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"Hey!" Marinette reflexively withdrew her hand from his mouth. A pout settled deep onto her face, and her eyebrows furrowed for effect. She'd come to feed him her personal favorite macaron, only for him to playfully snap at her, missing the delicacy of her fingers by just a few inches.

"What?" He grinned at her, shameless, "I thought it was part of the treat."

She groaned, angling her body towards the tranquility of the city instead. She leaned forward onto the railing and crossed her arms atop the cooled metal, a small smile not once parting her lips. The kind of smile that had him still, staring at her like a deer in the headlights.

Chat never failed to miss the blush that crept to her cheeks. And he found himself drawn to her, a magical pull enslaving him to her magnetic aura. Against the midnight sky, with the entirety of it reflected within her bluebell eyes, he couldn't help feeling like his world has come to a stop.

The crisp air blew at her loosened strands, and her nose reddened from the cold. The sight before him was one he'd never seen before. Has she always been this mesmerizing? This... tempting? "Marinette, you're so..." he drawled, light-headed from all the thoughts travelling in swarms around his mind. He couldn't find the right word to describe her beauty, no matter how hard he raked his brain.

When she turned to him, expectancy clear on her face, he only tensed further, his shoulders stiff and his breathing the weight of a dozen bricks. How someone could look so adorable wearing that sort of expression was beyond him, and only then did he realize how far Marinette had made him fall.

"... Beautiful," he muttered, regretting it the exact second it left him. The most basic word in the dictionary used to describe the most heart-stopping girl in the world. What a shame it was.

He wished he could take it back, and he would've, if only her reaction hadn't looked so sweet. Her answer halted in the back of her throat, producing a soft sound that he's never heard before. One that was definite music to his cat ears, as they fluttered atop his head, ruffling his golden locks ever so slightly.

Her lips parted, prepared to speak, but soon were pressed into a firm line. She was rendered speechless by the tension floating amidst them, and the sudden waver in the tone of his voice. She felt as though he was hesitant, or he wasn't quite sure. But she could see the glint of sincerity in his sea of lime green, and it flustered her. She was so lost in the abnormality of their glimmer, and her knees weakened at their intensity.

Beneath the mask, this was Adrien Agreste. The one she's been in love with all along. But more importantly, this was Chat Noir. Her most loyal and trusted partner, the one who's brought her down to her knees with his charm. Losing him over and over again, and having him barely slip through her fingers, Marinette finally understood how much he meant to her. And how wrong she'd been to have constantly taken him for granted.

"Chat, I..." She glanced down at her feet, unable to stare at his eyes any longer, afraid she'd forget how to stand. She fiddled with the hem of her shirt, her head devoid of words to say. It irked her to no end being affected so much by just his presence. And a simple compliment has never made her nerves be so hectic.

"Princess... I asked you before if I could..." He swallowed back the persistence of his anxiety, nevertheless, the lump in his throat remained. "Kiss you, remember?"

Caught off guard, her gaze darted to meet his, her eyes a little wider than normal. For a moment, silence was all that stood between them, heavy upon their shoulders, and Chat winced at the fear of having said the wrong thing. But as she regained composure, she reluctantly nodded and urged him to continue.

"That time I—I was just confused and... I was stupid to have asked you such a thing."

Marinette's hopes deflated, and she shrunk into herself; defeated. That wasn't what she'd wished he would say. In fact, she didn't even want to talk at all. She wanted to feel his lips against hers, to seal the night with a kiss that should do more than just pour all of their chaotic feelings into it. She wanted his hands to trail down her waist, and hold her like she was about to disappear. But he clearly didn't feel the same.

It broke her; brought all her once former insecurities up to the surface.

"But..." He tilted his head, marveling in the hope that reclaimed its place within the glow of her eyes, "This time, I'm serious about it. Very serious about it."

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