35| Jealous And Surrendered

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"No," she growled, swatting Luka's arm away and fully angling her body in Adrien's direction. "I am not leaving if you're not coming with us."

"It's fine, really." He gave a defeated smile. "Nobody would want me there anyway. I don't want to make things uncomfortable."

Luka's eyes softened, and he walked over to him. He couldn't bear having his friend be so devastated. "I don't think it was anyone's intention to make you feel so unwanted." His hand fell upon his shoulders, and he gently tugged him forward. "If anything, I'm sure you being there would make everything much more fun."

"Yeah! We just thought it would be awkward for you if we invited you to hang out over..." Alya trailed off, unable to voice out the rest of her sentence lest she involuntarily salted his freshly opened wound. She felt for him. They all did. And what they were doing was no more than a representation of their care for him. They didn't want him to feel like his father being put behind bars was something he would want to celebrate.

"Adrien... we'd love for you to be with us. If it doesn't make you feel bad," Luka said. He didn't want this conversation to be dragged any further than this, knowing just how much it would hurt him. "Consider it a normal outing, so please... care to come along?"

Their sympathetic expressions held nothing but genuineness written all over. And having them nod at Luka's words left him elated. He, too, followed their action, an innocent smile etched on his face. "I would love it."

Marinette perked up, "Alright, it's settled then!" She rushed over to her parents, planting a kiss on each of their cheeks. "Bye mom, bye dad! I'll keep you updated." And the door to the bakery chimed as they headed outside, one by one.

Alya nudged her best friend, "What was Adrien doing in your house, girl?"

"Right? Where'd you get the confidence to even let him into the bakery?" Alix joked, emitting an evil laugh that had Marinette place a hand to her mouth, effectively shutting her up.

"You don't need to make things obvious," she said through gritted teeth, reluctantly letting her arm fall back to her side. "He kinda... accepted my confession so here we are. Now, excuse me, I'd rather spend time with a silent, broken boy than two no-filter, gossip girls."

"Two no-filter gossip girls, or you just want that 'broken' boy all to yourself?" Alya crossed her arms over her chest, throwing her a knowing glance.

The bluenette giggled in return. "Yup. Must be the latter." With a wink that served evidence as to how much effect Chat Noir had left on her, Marinette wormed her way through the group and to where her favorite one was.

Adrien's heart fluttered, and he smiled at having her so close. At the first attempt of making conversation with her, Luka claimed that opportunity before he even had the chance.

He leaned down to reach her, "Have you been to an Aquarium before?"

"It's my first time!" she gushed, a bounce in her step. "Have you?" The grin decorating her perfectly soft lips brightened her face, and Adrien wished he'd feel them against his own once again, surely this time, as his civilian self.

"I have, actually. Just not this one."

"Oooo," She smirked, her glazed eyes narrowing. The tone of her voice dripped with mischief, and her grin turned devilish. "Enlighten me, Luka." She prompted herself on the tip of her toes, closer to his ear. "Who had the great pleasure of being there with you?"

Luka side-glanced down at her, the devilish glint in her eyes reflecting in his own. The corner of his lips pulled upward at her teasing. "I don't know, what if it was a girl?"

"Hmm?" She fell to her initial height, "I bet it was Juleka. You have no girl in your life but your twin."

He broke into a fit of laughter, not wanting to admit the truth in her words. He left things at that, because he knew, he and Marinette were long gone. But Adrien clearly didn't. Luka's lips grazed Marinette's ear as he whispered, "Play along, will you?"

"Huh—" A gasp escaped her chest at the feel of his fingers wrapping around her waist. He pulled her into him, and smirked, watching Adrien's jaw tighten with a pulse. "Just... what are you doing?"

"Opening his eyes a bit."

They'd reached the bus, but Adrien still hadn't made a move. He felt embarrassed, and couldn't give in to the temptation of stealing her away for himself. Climbing onto the bus, Luka decided to take the matter into his own hands. He gently pushed Marinette into a seat, then not-so-subtly tripped his friend into the one right next to hers.

With a silent nod to the girl he loved, he headed towards the back seats, ultimately giving her up for someone whom he trusted would treat her right. Because he knew... they were meant to be. In every way.

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