21| Failures And Last Resorts

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"Venom!" Vesperia jumped off the roof, launching towards Heartbreaker. Her gaze focused on her target, squinting to perfect her aim. But the villain was fast to dodge, moving aside with the aid of her board.

Her eyes widened, and she let out a shocked scream, unable to stop herself from tumbling forward. She crashed straight into Viperion, and her sting came in direct contact with his chest. It rendered him completely immobile, a victim to paralysis.

He groaned and slumped to the ground, wincing in pain.

"Luka, no!" Ladybug cried, stretching her arm out as if to reach him. But from where she stood, her chances of making it past Heartbreaker were slim to none.

Vesperia dropped by a lamppost, harshly slamming into the pavement. She desperately willed herself to her feet.

"Look out!" Ladybug growled, tossing her yo-yo at the villain. The weapon tightened around her wrist, and she yanked it; hard. The laser-beam burst somewhere far from her partner, and collided with a building that soon collapsed to ruins. "Go recharge, we can-" Her own gasp cut her off. One strike sliced through the air and barely grazed her head. She ducked at the last second, her yo-yo involuntarily releasing Heartbreaker. "This is insane!"

"Give me your miraculous, you nasty bug."

"In your dreams." She had very little in her to fight, but she would never give up her earrings. Ever. No matter the cost. And now that she carried Chat Noir's ring with her, it was further impossible to surrender.

"Ladybug!" Vesperia yelled. She pushed the superhero out of harm's way, and the beam hammered into her instead. She whimpered, sinking to her knees, cradling her chest.

The dotted heroine shook her head. She sucked in a breath, and tears welled up in her eyes. Her team was all down. She'd tried to communicate with Rena, reach Carapace, or Pegasus. Everyone. But they were all... gone.

She turned on her heel and hoisted herself atop the buildings. "There's got to be something I can do!"

Plagg emerged from her yo-yo, and crossed his tiny arms. "I already told you," he drawled, faking a yawn.

Though he tried his best to act indifferent, his entire demeanor was dominated by urgency. She could easily see his concern for his owner.

Sneaking a side-glance his way, she skidded to a stop by the roof where Adrien laid. Her legs unconsciously brought her to him, and she wasn't thinking clearly. Her whole mind was shadowed by all the losses, the terrorizing, the failures. Everything was overwhelming. It left her vulnerable. The sight of her unmoving, one true partner wasn't providing any help either. "What do I wish for?"

If she wished to terminate Shadowmoth forever, this could end badly. Someone else could lose their life, as payment for a mistake they had taken no part in. And if she only wished for Heartbreaker to break free from the akuma, and have everything return to the way it was, Shadowmoth could re-akumatize her. And the nightmare would repeat all over again.

She could give her a magical charm to keep her safe, but she wasn't sure if the girl would actually own up to the words Ladybug predicted. Or if she could hold onto it with all the willpower left in her. Some people loved gaining the powers Shadowmoth offered them, and Ladybug was afraid his manipulation could lead her to throw the charm away.

He knew now that Heartbreaker was unstoppable. And he could go beyond unknown limits just to bring her back.

"Wish to know who he is," Plagg said, catching her attention. Her head whipped towards him, shocked at what she'd heard.

"What did you say?"

He shrugged. "If you know who Shadowmoth is, or where he is, you could have the upper hand. Stop wasting time attacking the puppet when you could attack the puppeteer instead."

"Plagg, you're..." She was at a loss for words. There were many positive outcomes to such a wish.

"Amazing? Genius? I know, I know."

Ladybug giggled, wiping a few stray tears away. "Then, I say..." She flicked open her yo-yo, and pulled out the ring. Sliding it onto her finger, she smiled. "Tikki, Plagg, unify!"

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