18| Replaced And Dejected

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Chat carried her in his arms all the way to the movie theater. When they'd made it in and seated themselves, it took him a while to notice Marinette was staring non-stop at someone else ahead of them. "Something wrong, princess?" He whispered.

She jumped back, shocked at how close he was to her ear. "Uh, no." She rubbed the back of her neck, giggling. "I just thought I saw someone I know."

He followed her gaze, only for it to land upon a black-haired boy with blue ends, sitting just a few seats away from them.

Luka Couffaine.

He could sense the jealousy spike within him and he did so much to subdue its presence. Why was she so hung up on Luka while Adrien was now a part of her life? But at the same time, he couldn't prevent her from reaching out to him. Luka was a precious friend of his too. It would only be selfish if he felt that way towards him. "You should probably say hi."

"It's okay with you?" Her eyes went round, a glint of hope shimmering in them.

He gave a small smile, nodding his head. And Marinette wasted no time to excuse herself and head his way. If he was there as Adrien, it would've been impossible for him to hear what they were saying. But as he was Chat Noir, his ears perked and caught up on their conversation.

"Marinette!" Luka got to his feet, excited to see her.

"Hi!" She waved, coming face to face with him. The aisle was narrow, ultimately obligating them to a certain distance. "I suspected it was you."

"If I had know you wanted to watch this movie too, I would've asked you to come."

"That would've been amazing!" Giggling, she patted his chest. "Before the movie starts, I'm going to buy something. Do you want anything in particular?"

"We could go together," he suggested, a gentle smile gracing his lips. As her response came with a slight nod, he set his hand at the small of her back, guiding the two of them out of the theater. The further they went, the harder it became for Chat's superhearing to listen in on their words. The only thing prominent enough to him before they departed, was their undying laughter.

A frown settled upon his features. Just, how obnoxious was Chat Noir to the world? Everyone seemed to love Adrien. But when it came to him as Chat Noir, nobody acknowledged him. Nobody liked him.

He never managed to make Ladybug fall in love with him. No matter how hard he tried. All the sacrifices, all his confessions, they were nothing but humiliating failures. Carapace, who was also his best friend, absolutely hated his guts. Though he did apologize for the misunderstanding after, the pain he'd felt as they fought one another was something he'd never forget. It already left him scarred. And now, even Marinette was so elated to have Luka around but not as excited with him by her side.

What had him shaking with tears, and the worst of all, was... he was his utmost self as Chat Noir. Plagg gave him the confidence and freedom he's always longed for. The trigger to being who he truly wanted to be as an individual. Yet everybody was enchanted by the picture perfect Adrien, who never chose to be that way in the first place. Whose life has been planned out for him all along. Modeling, fencing, piano, chinese, they were all things his father specifically picked for him. Yes, he loved practicing them with all his heart, but sometimes they would become too much for him. It was impossible to take a rest at his own will.

The choice was never his.

The movie soon started playing in the background, but all noise was cancelled out. Marinette and Luka haven't gotten back. And he was left on his own to his torturing thoughts.

Maybe he was right to have handed Ladybug his miraculous. She was the guardian after all, and she probably would've found a better holder. But he didn't know why he'd weakened in front of her tears. Or why he'd so easily given up on his idea, and whatever was left of his determination had vanished into thin air.

The walls surrounding the audience trembled, as if an earthquake has hit Paris. And people's panicked yells wasted no time to echo around the room. Dust trickled down over their heads, cracks stretching in branches all across the ceiling.

Chat Noir jumped to stand, grabbing a hold of his staff just as a huge part of the ceiling fell upon the empty seats at the front. He shielded his face from the ruins, and rushed to aid everyone instead. They were his priority.

"I am Heartbreaker, and everyone shall pay for the damage they've done to me!" She growled, a murderous look on her face. She floated above them on a hoverboard of steel, holding out a rusted keychain. And aimlessly shot at the escaping citizens. The more she missed the angrier she got.

Witnessing her unceasing destruction had him petrified.

Chat dodged every strike, pouncing around the room in a desperate attempt to hide behind the chairs. And while he hoped for Ladybug to arrive, he begged for Marinette to be safe.

This was his akuma. The one who'd failed to enslave him. It escaped without being de-evilized, and it must've been drawn to someone with a much bigger heartbreak than his. This knowledge burdened him. It was a mistake. He should've notified his lady. Shutting his eyes tight, he willed the pain away, chest heaving.

There was no time for intrusive thoughts. Fight now, blame later. He kept repeating to himself, but his mind was getting the best of him. It was tiring him out, and wearing him down. Weakening him.

"You little wingless bat, give me your miraculous," she yelled, positioning her keychain straight towards his chest.

"I don't think so." He hopped forward, subconsciously somersaulting through the air. He landed on all fours, and looked up to meet her hate-filled stare. "Besides... Shadowmoth could've at least added some glasses to that costume of yours. I think they would've come in handy."

"You talk too much." Yet another strike sliced its way to him.

He deflected it with his staff. "Says you."

Grumbling, Heartbreaker swooped down to reach him, and the doors to the theatre flew open. "Chat Noir!"

His eyes widened. "Marinette, move!"

As his focus shifted towards the fear-stricken girl, his weapon slipped through his fingers. And a shot came in direct contact with his heart.

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