20| Losses And Broken Hearts

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Ladybug's eyes fluttered open, struggling against the overflow of her tears. As they slid down her cheeks, her vision cleared and first thing she saw was Plagg swirling out of the ring. He crashed to the floor beside her, vulnerable and feeble, holding onto his stomach. He was panting, compared to his holder whose breath she could no longer feel.

She gave the kwami a wistful glance, and hesitated to catch a glimpse of his owner. Worry gripped her. Without his powers, he could die any moment. His human form was weak and surely, would never be able to bear the tearing strings of his heart.

It felt wrong to know who he was. As if she was prying on him. But she knew, Chat Noir has been okay with her finding out his identity long ago. He trusted her. And she hadn't trusted him. Yet another mistake that had her squirming with regret.

Her eyes slowly dropped down, taking their sweet little time to uncover her once masked partner. And it was a twisted stab to the heart when she was met with the mesmerizing features she knew all too well.

In her arms, laid a lifeless Adrien. The harsh wind drifted through his golden locks, and his face grew paler with each passing second. His former softened smile no longer existent.

Her cheeks stung with the non-stopping presence of her tears, her heart a ruthless hammer against her tightened chest. She felt her entire world corrupt into ruins. And suddenly, life had never seemed so cruel until this very moment.

The boy who'd single-handedly won over her heart, both as a classmate and as her other half, was now gone. One strike, and he was down. It was up to her to bring him back. But Ladybug was drowning in an endless whirlwind of despair. She didn't know if she had it in her anymore. She lost the will to fight, and the motivation to even stand. She didn't want to let go of her hold on him.

She couldn't.

Chat Noir was her lifeline, and without him, she would crumble.

"Oh no," Plagg cried, flying closer to his holder. He shook his head, overwhelmed with denial. He turned to Ladybug, eyes glimmering with tears. "Do something! I beg you. Bring him back."

"Can't you see?" She bit her quivering lip, her eyebrows knitted together. "I'm no different than you. I... I..." she sobbed, resting her forehead against Adrien's. Her mind was forming incoherent thoughts, ones she couldn't decipher. She was in desperate need for closure, but she couldn't receive that with only Plagg around. His panicking wasn't helping, it was only snapping her into two. "Spots off."

Her voice was nothing but a broken whisper, infected with the pain she suppressed deep within. Tikki emerged from the miraculous, her saddened gaze landing upon the three surrounding her. Each of their state was different, yet all overpowered with the lurking of loss. Be it the loss of oneself, the loss of an incredible owner, or the loss of a beloved partner.

"Marinette..." Tikki put a comforting arm to her shoulder.

"What do I do?" Marinette straightened to look at her kwami. She cupped Adrien's cheeks, and at the sight of his angelic expression, she broke down further. "I love him."

"You should get Viperion's help. Or maybe Vesperia. She could immobilize Heartbreaker." Tikki responded, trying not to let her emotions affect her.

"Nuh-Uh." Plagg flew in between them. He crossed his arms. "Merge the miraculous."

"What? Plagg, what are you thinking?"

"Sorry, Sugarcube, but my owner is dead and the only way to get him back is to make the wish."

"No! Marinette, don't. This is insane. Do you not remember what Master Fu said? You can give the ring to anyone else!"

The girl glanced to the side, reddening with shame. She didn't want to let Tikki down. And she hated to admit it, but she was willing to be as reckless as the black kwami. There was never going to be a better Chat Noir.

She was following her instincts, and her instincts demanded she acted on impulse.

Reminiscent of what the previous guardian had stated, she found herself flooded with momentary hesitation. A million scenarios running through her head uninvited. "Universe must always stay in balance. For every action, there is a reaction. For every wish, a price to pay in return." His words rung at the back of her conscience, but she buried them six feet under. Subduing them.

"What is there to lose?" Marinette felt her whole being stiffen with numbness. Both physical and mental numbness, that were beyond her comprehension.

"That's the thing, we don't know! The Universe chooses which to sacrifice. Please, reconsider."

"No." Plagg scowled.

The two kwamis were left to argue, but their voices were soon drowned out. Marinette strayed further with her thoughts, and mustered whatever was left of her energy to weigh out the benefits. And the possible outcomes.

She could try to beat Heartbreaker first. With the help of Viperion, she would have lots of chances to make it right. Vesperia, too, would come of great use.

It was a risk.

A definite risk that was bound to cost her a lot.

But if all else failed... then she was sure to follow Plagg's lead.

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