Part one

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HEY!!! I'm so excited to be writing a Spy School Fanfiction! YAY!!! I hope you enjoy this, it is my first Fanfiction. :)

(Bens POV)

There is no better reason to hate someone than them interrupting your most exciting romantic moment with Erica Hale. It was Saturday. I was sitting on the stone wall of the campus watching the sunrise; I hadn't been able to sleep. The sky was a pale pinkish blue and there were birds chirping. It was beautiful. 

"Its beautiful isn't it?" I jumped, startled by the voice behind me, and promptly fell of the wall onto my butt. Erica stood behind me, amused by my reaction. 

"Hey Ben." I pushed myself back up and Erica sat down on the wall next to me. "mind if I join you?"

"Not at all." I said. "Couldn't sleep either?" 

"No, I just like to wake up early."

"At 4am on a weekend?" Erica smiled. In all truth I wasn't that surprised, Erica was a person so full of surprises that I honestly would have been more surprised to hear that she slept in like a normal teenager.  We sat there in silence, watching the sky lighten. 

"Why did you come out here?" I asked her after a while. She opened her mouth, considering lying to me, but then decided to just tell the truth. 

"I saw you out here from my bedroom window. Plus, watching the sunrise is calming and beautiful." I blushed, and next to me I could see the faintest hint of pink stain Erica's cheeks. 

"Yeah. It is beautiful." I sighed quietly. I noticed Erica was watching me. I raised my eyebrows at her.

"Ben, remember last month when I was in your room? When I gave you the hug I'd owed you for so long?" Erica started.


"Before Chip barged in, you were about to kiss me weren't you?" she asked quietly.

"I-" I had been, but I wasn't sure I wanted to admit this to Erica out loud. 

"You were." she confirmed. "I just wanted to tell you that, well, I wouldn't have stopped you." my eyes went wide as Erica took a deep breath, gathering the nerve to show me any more emotion.

"I've been doing a lot of thinking since then and I decided I'm ready to-" 

"RIPLEY! HALE!" Erica and I snapped to attention and turned around to see the principal storming towards us. 

"Ugh." Erica groaned not so subtlety, followed by a few not so nice words. I rolled my eyes. 

"My office! Now!" the principal snapped. Erica stepped forward. 

"Why should we?" she asked coolly, hands on her hips. The principal seemed taken aback. He knew he couldn't do anything about Erica as her grandfather Cyrus Hale would be right there to defend her. Nobody went against Cyrus. 

"We need to talk. You father and grandfather have some important business to discuss with you and Ripley." the principal said.

"At 4 in the morning?!" I groaned.

"Well it seems like your up. Why not?" I decided not to argue any further and followed the principal back into the Hale building. Erica came up next to me. 

"What were about to say?" I whispered in her ear. Erica seemed to clam up.

"It was nothing." she replied, then turned away. 

Shoot!  I thought to myself. Erica had been about to say something important, maybe even tell me she was ready to try dating from the sound of it, but of course the idiot (that was the principals nickname) had to come in and ruin it all. We reached the principals office a few minutes later and entered it to find Cyrus Hale and Erica's father, Alexander Hale standing by the desk. 

"Hi grandpa. Hi dad." Erica leaned up against the wall. I stood next to her. "whats going on here?" 

"Hi sweetheart. Hello Ben." Cyrus greeted us. "I apologize for this early morning meeting but it's a bit of an emergency." Erica looked at Cyrus, interested. 

"Do either of you know Alexis Montell?" Alexander asked. I gasped, and next to me Erica raised her eyebrows. 

"Yeah!" I cried excitedly. "she's only like the most famous singer and actress out there!" 

"She has cool music." Erica put in. I turned to her, surprised. 

"You like Alexis Montell?" I asked her.

"Why shouldn't I?" Erica said evenly.

"I don't know, I just didn't peg you as a teen pop culture fan." 

"You would be surprised." Alexander cut in. "she owns the whole Twilight series and has read most of them three times-"

"Shut up dad." Erica glared at him. 

"Anyway." Cyrus ended our little conversation. "a little known fact about Alexis is that she is actually the daughter of the head of the CIA. The real one not the faker on TV."

"For real?" I asked.

"Why would I say it if it wasn't real?" Cyrus asked me grumpily. I stopped talking. "Alexis is working on a new movie in LA that starts filming in two weeks. Last night we learned some disturbing news however- Alexis received a  death threat. Now this may not be exactly uncommon for a pop star but since Alexis is the daughter of the person who runs the CIA she knows a lot of secrets. According to her, the threat stated she had to give a certain classified document to someone who would be meeting her sometime durring filming or else Alexis would die." I stood there, taking this all in. Erica was quick to recover from the shock of what we had just learned. 

"So your flying us out there to protect her and catch the enemy?" she asked.

"Yes. We were able to insert you two as extras in the film so you will be able to be around Alexis."

"And why can't she just get body guards?" I questioned.

"Because we suspect this may be the work of SPYDER. Although we caught most of their members, including Mrs. E, Joshua Hallal is still out there as well as Ashley Sparks, Dane Brammage and still others. You two are the experts on SPYDER and the head of the CIA wants you and you only." I grinned. I was getting sent to glamorous LA with Erica Hale to protect one of the most popular people in America! Sure, I could be dealing with SPYDER, but this mission promised to be fun.

 If only I had known how wrong I was.

YAY! This is gonna be good! 1073 words! Awesome! I will write more soon! Let me know what you think. Did I do a good job? Should Zoe and Mike come along? Should Catherine?Also sorry to all the Zen fans this will be 100% Berica. :)

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