Part 12

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So... where did we leave off? oh right ben got caught!

"JESSICA!" I yelped, hoping to alert Erica that Jessica was back in the room. Erica didn't come out of the bathroom which I took as a good sign. She put her hands on her hips. Her wet hair had been twisted into a messy bun and she was wearing a white plush towel around her waist. I saw no bodyguards which was a relief. Jessica's sweet eyes narrowed and she suddenly sprang at me, pinning me against the wall.

"What are you doing here? What are you doing in my room?" her face was only an inch away from mine and she smelled like chocolate despite having just been soaking in chlorine. 

"I- well, um..." I knew what Erica would say about my performance but I couldn't help it. Jessica smiled evilly. 

"Your CIA Ben so its only correct to assume I somehow blew my cover?" 

"Yeah... calling Erica Sasha when you took us out that day kind of gave you away." Jessica sighed. 

"I'm still learning." she then pushed me onto the bed and sat down next to me. I couldn't help blushing. Jessica noticed and smiled slightly. 

"Ben I'm your friend. I'm going to give you two choices. The easy way out or the hard way." behind Jessica I could see Erica sticking her head around the corner. She had removed the wig and sunglasses, letting her long black hair cascade down and frame her perfectly sculpted cheekbones. I looked back towards Jessica. 

"Um... okay..." I was unsure what to do.

"Option one- I hold you captive until I've carried out my duties here, then hand you over to my commanders and let them decide what to do with you. Option two- you join me." I coughed, startled by Jessica's proposal. 

"Well... what would I be joining?"

"I probably shouldn't give you too many details before you make your decision but the short version is I'm working on a plot with an organization called SPYDER." I grimaced. "what?" Jessica asked, interested. 

"I- um nothing. Go on." Jessica looked suspicious for a minute but then continued talking. 

"SPYDER is an elite and amazing organization. After my father was put in jail they came to me and offered me a chance to ruin the CIA." my breath caught in my throat. "back in Vail when you all captured my father I was mad at him. I thought evil was wrong, but then I realized. I had nothing left. Sure I have money but I don't have people. My mother is hardly around and with my father gone I would most likely be spending most of the rest of my teen years with only my housekeepers and bodyguards. SPYDER offered me a chance to not only get power but a new family. Turns out the evil bit isn't even that bad!" a sly smile spread across Jessica's face. 

"And here I was thinking you were so good!" I thought to myself. "were you the one who sent Alexis the threat?" 

"Yep!" Jessica looked pleased with herself. "so which option are you going with?" I didn't even have to consider. 

"Count me in." I said, shaking Jessica's hand. 


Erica didn't say anything to me the whole ride back to our hotel. I had just taken our mission a step further by accepting a job as a double agent. I would be our mole, figuring out SPYDER's plot and thwarting it from the inside. SPYDER was nearly broke and was being hunted down so I was hopping that maybe this mission might be easier than my last few. My biggest worry was someone from SPYDER would get suspicious, due to the fact that I had not only turned them down multiple times but even infiltrated their organization back at evil spy school. It turned out Jessica didn't know I was one of SPYDER's most hated people, I just hoped she wouldn't go telling a whole bunch of people about me. I knew it was likely though. When we got back to the hotel Erica curtly filled Catherine in on the whole situation, then said she needed some air and alone time and headed outside. Catherine and I discussed plans for a while, then she went to take a shower. I left the room and crept outside, spotting Erica across the parking lot. She was slowly climbing up the fire escape to the hotel roof. I ran silently across the parking lot and slipped after her. To my surprise she didn't seem to notice me. We reached the roof and Erica sank down on the ground. I she wrapped her arms around her legs and buried her face in her knees. I heard a faint noise coming from her, a faint laugh like noise. But when she lifted her head she wasn't smiling. Her eyes were red and puffy and her cheeks were stained with tears. Erica Hale was crying. It was like seeing a dragon or a unicorn. Unreal. I slowly approached her and put my arm around her. 

"Erica whats wrong with you?" she looked up at me her face a cloud of emotions. 

"I cant do this anymore." she whispered, her voice breaking. "I- I just cant pretend I'm an emotionless robot. I'm not! Ben I'm tearing myself apart." I pulled her close to me and she sank into my arms. 

"Shh. Its okay." I soothed. 

"Its not! I've spent so long running from my feelings that I don't know what to do! I'm confused and I'm broken and I- I just don't know what to do. I cant do this... I cant do this..."

"Yes you can. Erica your gonna be okay." I rested my head against hers. She trembled in my arms, the weakest I had ever seen her. 

"What- what happened? Why are you letting this all out now?" I asked quietly.

"Jessica." Erica gulped for air. "seeing you- you look at her like that. Watching every sickening moment of your little double agent agreement. I break myself apart trying to bury my feelings and now look what I've done to myself! I can't even bring myself to just be with you because I'm so- so afraid. I just cant have another Joshua. I cant!" 

"Erica Hale- I will never in a million years betray you. I would die before I betray you. I love you." crap. I just said that. Erica looked up at me, her red face brightening slightly. 

"Really Ben? You- you do?"

"I do." Erica wrapped her arms around me. 

"If I let myself do this I'm abandoning the Ice Queen and I don't know if I can do that." she sniffed.

"Erica you are the strongest person I know. If anyone can break away from the Ice Queen its you." Erica smiled up at me.

"But then everything changes. What if I can't still be a great spy? What if I get hurt?" 

"Your hurting yourself more not giving into your emotions!" I pressed. "having a boyfriend doesn't change your life. I know it might feel that way at first but you'll still be you. The amazing Erica Hale, superspy and gorgeous girl." I wasn't even afraid to say this. Erica stood and pulled me up. 

"Ben- if I do this then you have to promise me you will never leave me." 

"I promise! I swear I will never leave you!" I felt joy building up inside me. Was I finally getting the girl? The dream come true? Erica wrapped her arms around me and leaned in, pressing her lips against mine. 

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