Part 19

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Sorry this took so long!

"Ben Ripley- will you be my boyfriend?" my eyes bulged. 

"Um- you- you mean it?!" I asked kind of frozen in shock. She nodded, looking kind of sick. "OF COURSE!" I yelped. Erica smiled the biggest smile I had ever seen anyone smile. Then she wrapped her arms round me. As everyone in the room clapped she whispered:

"Ben- two things. One, I meant it. If you wanna try dating I'm ready." 

"I do!" I smiled.

"And two- grandpa's here. Go for the microphone before they start broadcasting the signal!" Erica pushed me off her and I lunged for Jessica who had come up behind me with an angry look on her face. 

"I cant believe you!" she snapped. "I thought you were my friend!" 

"So you were a double double agent?" Sandy asked, her arms folded. Geneva glared.

"I knew we couldn't trust this punk!" I snatched Jessica's microphone and handed it to Erica. As the SPYDER gang watched in horror she took the SD card out and smashed it with the heel of her boot. Geneva and the twins looked horrified, but Jessica was smiling. 

"You know we still have the research. We can just make another." she smirked. 

"You mean this research?" Catherine asked, holding up the thick pile of papers. Jessica's face went ridged with anger as she lunged for the papers, but Catherine was too quick. She sucker-punched Jessica in the stomach and threw the papers across the room where they landed smack in the center of the fireplace. They caught fire and began crisping. Mike and Zoe jumped up, joining Erica, Catherine and I. Jessica had gotten to her feet and joined Geneva and the twins. The four of them faced the five of us, ready for a fight. Unsure what else to do I sprung at Jessica. Catherine took Geneva while Mike took Sandy and Zoe took Sadie. Erica rushed over to help me. 

"I can't believe you did that!" I said to Erica. "thank you."

"Yeah. I can't believe I did that either." she said, grasping Jessica's arms and wrenching them behind her back. Jessica screamed in pain and anger, lashing out a foot and kicking me in the shin. I yelped and retaliated by swinging my fist around, hoping to connect it to her face. Instead it connected with the wall. Jessica snorted. 

"Don't laugh at Ben!" Erica snapped, swinging her fist at Jessica and actually succeeding at hitting her. She cried out in pain. Next to me Catherine had knocked Geneva unconscious and was tying her up with zip ties. Zoe and Mike had forced Sandy and Sadie back to back and were tying them up with more zip ties. Erica held Jessica's wrists behind her back. 

"If you don't want me to knock you unconscious then you will come quietly." Erica snarled. Jessica nodded, a frown on her face, but there was a disturbing smile in her eyes. I exchanged a worried look with Erica... right as Jessica punched Erica in the chest. Erica winced and let go of Jessica for a split second, allowing her to knee Erica in the crotch. 

"Hey!" Erica yelped, lunging for Jessica. Unfortunately she missed. Something was really messing with Erica that night- she was way off her game. Mike, Zoe and Catherine noticed Jessica going for the door and started after her, but Erica pushed them back and grabbed my hand.  

"You stay here! We'll take care of her!" she yelled back. Erica and I flashed out of the lounge and into the night, spotting Jessica at the curb hopping onto a sparkly pink motorcycle. Erica jumped into her mom's car and we sped after Jessica. We tore down blinding streets and backroads until Jessica pulled over by a big body of water. The Hollywood Reservoir. Erica and I hopped out of the car and rushed over to where Jessica stood smirking by a large dam. 

"Why did you lead us here?" I asked Jessica. 

"To give you one last chance. You can either capture me, or save your girlfriend." she snarled. I traded a worried look with Erica, lacing my fingers in between hers.

"What do you mean? I'm not in any danger." Erica snapped. 

"You are now!" Jessica grabbed Erica's wrist and yanked her out of my grasp. Erica tried to karate chop her but she anticipated it and dodged, yanking Erica forward and throwing her over the dam and into reservoir. 

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