Part 15

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Welcome back! sry for the wait! enjoy!

I ran down the hall to my holding room. It had been hard to escape Jessica and the SPYDER gang; I had eventually had to tell them I needed to use the bathroom and ran off before they could stop me. I needed to inform Erica of my cover story before she blew it by acting friendly towards me. I found her sitting on a couch reading a thick James Bond novel and making faces every time she saw something unrealistic. I grabbed her arm and dragged her into a small closet off the room.

"What the hell Ben!" she snapped. 

"We need to talk." a glint of worry flashed in Erica's eyes.

"Did you blow your cover?" she asked icily. 

"No. I got in and I know their plan, but I had to tell them you and I were in a big fight and you said after this mission you never wanted to see me again. It was the only way I could convince the mission leader I had really turned this time." Erica looked relieved.

"Thanks for telling me." she said. "so whats their plan?" I leaned in and whispered the plot to Erica, just an extra precaution incase anybody was listening in. She looked worried, which even with her new slightly more emotional personality was concerning. 

"This is not good." she said. 

"I know. But we'll figure it out." I took her hand. "I should head back to them. I said I was going to the bathroom." I leaned forward and kissed Erica quickly. She seemed surprised but didn't resist. I scurried out of the closet and back down the hall to todays set: an auditorium. I took a seat next to Sandy and Sadie who were also extras in the scene. 

I felt a tap on my back. It was Jinny.

"Hey." I smiled. 

"Hi Ben!" she said cheerfully. "this is for you." she slipped a piece of paper into my hand and then faded away into the crowd of extras. I looked next to me, thinking that it might not be the best idea to read it in front of the twins. They were both talking animatedly to each other, not seeming to notice anything going on around them. I stood. The twins took no notice. I moved down four seats to a relatively empty part of the room and unfolded the paper.

can you and Erica meet me in the costume storage room at 3:00? I will be there. We have some things to discuss. 


I pulled my phone out of my pocket and texted Erica.

Ben: E- Alexis wants to meet us at three in the costume storage room. 

Erica: got it. I will be there. 


A few hours later I was sitting on a box labeled men's shirts, waiting for Erica and Alexis to arrive. They were shooting a scene where Jessica's character was being captured by the bad guys and so it was the perfect time for me to meet them. The door opened and Erica stuck her head in, smiling slightly when she saw me. 

"Hey." she sat down next to me. 

"Hi." I leaned into her shoulder, breathing in her lilac and gunpowder scent. 

"Alexis isn't here yet?" she asked. 

"Its not quite three." 

"Do normal people not arrive places early?" I laughed.

"Some do some don't. I see you still have plenty to learn about people." 

"Yeah, I suppose I do." she laid her head on my shoulder. The door opened and Alexis hurried in. Erica quickly pushed me away as Alexis shut the door and sat down across from me. 

"Whats going on?" Erica asked.

"I got the information they want." Alexis pulled a large packet of papers and and little gray box out of her pale blue Kate Spade bag and handed them to me. All but three of the papers were a big list of names, presumably a  collection naming every CIA agent out there. I handed the papers to Erica and opened the box. Inside was an SD card. 

"What does this have on it?" I asked, holding it up. Alexis's eyes darkened. 

"That chip is programed with a certain sound frequency that scrambles peoples thoughts. You can program it to erase certain types of memories. That's the weapon that these people want." I exchanged a worried look with Erica. 

"I think I just figured out the rest of their plans." I breathed. "The list was a distraction, leading us to think they were going to plan some sort of individual attack, but they would need to erase every single person's memories of the CIA, FBI, and all the other government organizations. How far does the signal go out?" 

"If they were to play the sound frequency over a simple stereo it would stretch quite a distance- maybe all of Los Angeles. If they were to play it over enough high quality speakers and microphones it might even be able to span throughout the whole of LA." Erica was starting to look slightly frightened, which was extremely unsettling. 

"SPYDER is going to go around to all 50 states blasting this frequency until all memories are erased. Then they'll probably go to Europe and Australia and anywhere else on earth where people know about law enforcement- basically the entire world! It'll be complete chaos!" 

"But why would this SPYDER ask for a list of every CIA agent if they didn't really need it? Why go through all that trouble if its only a distraction?" Alexis asked. Erica suddenly gasped.

"Cause its not a distraction! SPYDER may have enemies in MI6, the FBI, and other law enforcement agencies, but the CIA has lately been their main source of trouble. They don't only want to erase these agents memories- they want bigger revenge. They want to kill each and every one of them." Alexis jumped up.

"We cant give them this information!" she choked. 

"But if we don't than SPYDER will kill you! Its our mission to keep you safe!" I panicked. Erica put her hand on my shoulder. 

"Breathe." she said quietly. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. Erica then turned to Alexis, a glimmer of hope in her eyes. "we have no choice but to give them this info." 

"But they'll-" 

"I'm well aware of what SPYDER will do it we fail, but Ben and I have never failed. Here's what we have to do. Ben- your going to take the information and give it to Jessica yourself, telling her that you got it from Alexis claiming you would keep it safe. This will earn any trust that her and her team isn't already giving you." Erica handed me the papers and I pocketed the SD card. "its your job to find out where they plan to release the signal from and when. I'm going to call the CIA for reinforcement. Then we just play along until d-day and thwart their plans! Easy peasy!" Erica gave me a reassuring smile. I smiled back, hoping the whole thing would be as easy as she was making it sound.


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