Part two

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Hey! Sorry this chapter may not be as good as the last but I like it anyway. Enjoyyyyyy

"Attention passengers. Please fasten your seatbelts. We will be landing at LAX in five minutes." I blinked my eyes open to the sound of the captain's announcement. Erica was still asleep next to me, her head lolled over and resting on my shoulder. I gently shook her and she drowsily opened her eyes.

"We're landing in five minutes." I informed her. She sat up and clicked her seatbelt into place.

"Was I a good pillow?" I teased her. Her cheeks flushed red and all she could come up with was:

"Shut up." Erica's catchphrase! I pulled my phone out of my pocket to see a text from Zoe Zibbell, one of my best friends from Spy School.

Zoe: Have u landed in LA yet?

Ben: How do you know I'm going to LA?

Zoe: I'm studying to be a spy. Its my job to know things.

Ben: you sound like Erica. 

Zoe: :P

Ben: No we r landing in 5 mins. 

Zoe: fun! Let me know when you get to your hotel. I have to go- Mike just broke into my room :)

Ben: k. bye.

Mike Brisinski was my best friend from kindergarten. When the team and I were in Vail, Colorado he had crashed our mission, almost messing everything up but then joining Spy School as a result. 

"Texting Zoe?" Erica asked. I started and looked at her accusingly. 

"Were you reading my texts?" 

"I read everyone's texts." she replied calmly.

"Do you have my phone tapped?!" I snapped. Erica rolled her eyes in response. "seriously!" I pressed, unhappy with the idea that Erica had access to all my calls and texts. 

"Calm down. I never look at your stuff... that much..." I shot Erica a glare. The nose of the plane began to dip down slightly, indicating that we were heading for the landing. Erica didn't talk again until we had gotten off the plane and to baggage claim. 

"Are you mad at me?" I asked. She looked at me curiously. 

"Why would you think that?" she asked, eyes on the baggage carousel. 

"Well I got kind of mad at you on the plane and you didn't talk to me again until just now-" Erica reached forward and grabbed her black suitcase, the only one that had a keypad access code. Then she grabbed mine, navy blue. 

"No, I'm not mad at you. I was just caught off guard from your angry tone. You had to know I tapped your phone." 

"No I didn't!" I snapped. 

"Anyway, I didn't talk cause I was trying to process your anger. You know I don't understand emotions." I shook my head slightly at this, then followed Erica to the airport entrance. We stepped out the bustling front doors into the sunlight and heat of LA. I took a moment to take in my surroundings.  There were humongous parking garages and palm trees planted in little garden things. Parked right on the curb were ten black shiny cars, one of which would be our transportation vehicle to our hotel, a Residence inn 30 minutes away from the studio, Sunset Gower Studios. All of the people who meant something to our director were put in a big, nice hotel only five minutes away from the studio but as extras slipped in at the last minute Erica and I hadn't gotten that lucky. 

"We need to look for the car with the person outside holding the sign with our name on it." Erica informed me. I scanned the row of cars and spotted the one Erica was talking about five down the line. We made our way to the smartly dressed woman holding the sign and shoved out suitcases in the car. 

"Can I help you with those?" our driver came up behind us, talking in a clip British accent I recognized all too well. I turned to her with a big smile on my face.

"Catherine?" I asked.  

@349328153l Thanks for giving me the idea to use Catherine. 

Also I felt like I just needed to say I don't own most of the characters(with the exception of the director who will come in later, Alexis Montel, maybe a few more later in the story...), they are all copyright of Stuart Gibbs. I do own the plot line tho!

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