Part 21

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"So its official. We're together." I couldn't stop the ridiculous smile from spreading across my face. We were back at the hotel, Erica and I snuggled together on the couch next to Mike, Zoe and Catherine. After her near drowning in the reservoir Erica and I had driven back to the karaoke lounge to pick up our team and the prisoners. I had held a shivering Erica for the whole ride back and when we got to our room she had changed into a pair of soft black sweatpants and a navy blue hoodie of mine that she had "borrowed" from my duffel bag.

"We need to celebrate this!" Catherine declared in her delightful British accent. Erica rolled her eyes.

"Mom, please. It's going to be hard enough to adjust to being, well, not the Ice Queen. I don't need a party." 

"Well we should at least all go out to a celebratory dinner." Mike suggested. "not just for you guys but also for the mission. We captured three SPYDER agents, saved law enforcement, and for all we know Jessica is never going to be a problem again!" 

"I still can't believe she turned bad! She was so nice." I sighed. Erica stiffened.

"What?" I asked, worried that something was wrong.

"You don't still have feelings for Jessica Shang do you?" she asked suspiciously. Zoe burst out laughing. 

"Oh Erica. Never gonna stop being jealous." Erica shot her an icy glare.

"Of course not. She tried to kill my girlfriend." I kissed Erica's cheek. Erica breathed a small, quiet sigh of relief and laid her head on my shoulder. 

"Actually I had something else in mind." Catherine smiled coyly. "dinner sounds nice, but how would you kids like to go to a Hollywood gala? I have some old friends around the area who informed me they are throwing a party for the rich and famous pop stars you kids seem to like these days, and they think they can get us in!" Mike and Zoe jumped up. 

"Oh my god that sounds awesome!" Zoe squealed. Mike knelt down on one knee and jokingly took Zoe's hand. 

"Zoe Zibbell-" he laughed, "will you be my date to the fancy gala party?"

"Of course I will!" she grinned, pulling him up into a big hug.

"I assume we are going together." Erica said to me.

"You would be correct!" I smiled. Catherine sighed happily.

"Aw. Young love! How sweet!"


The party was being held at a big seaside mansion. I had hopped out of Catherine's car, ready to have some fun for once in my life. Erica and I had walked up a long red carpet onto a colorfully lit front lawn with a dance floor, sushi bar, drink bar, DJ booth, food table, dining area, and a Starbucks barista making mocha Frappuccino's. It felt like a dream- like the glamourous part of the spy life that a real spy never actually experienced. Erica wore a short, strapless light blue dress with a tulle skirt covered in glitter and sequins. She had originally bought a simple, plain black dress but Catherine and Zoe had teamed up to con her into wearing the blue dress. She had her hair in perfect curls that fell down around her shoulders, a pearl barrette clipped on one side of her head. she wore light blue flats and a little makeup, which just made her even more gorgeous and stunning. Zoe looked amazing too- in a matching dress to Erica's only minty green. Erica had been mad and protested, but her mother had gotten onto her last nerve and she had finally put on the dress and makeup. Mike and I wore fancy jackets and jeans and Catherine had on a light pink flowy silk gown and her long hair up in a bun. 

"But what if an enemy ambushes us?" Erica asked, her hand stiff in mine. I laughed and handed her a plate of sushi. 

"E, tonight is about us. It may be hard for you to believe, but every once in a while you can let your guard down and just have a perfect night with your boyfriend."

"I guess." she gave me a half smile and led me over to a table. We sat side by side sharing the plate of sushi.

"I haven't eaten much sushi. Its actually really... good." Erica's eyes were sparkling.

"That's the spirit. Just let you teenage girl out." I grinned at her.

"So- do you wanna dance?" she asked, getting up and nervously extending her hand. "that is what you say right? And dancing is what you do with your boyfriend?" I laughed and pulled Erica out onto the dance floor as a slow song came on. I wrapped my arms around her and laughed.

"Its just right." we swayed back and forth, staring into each others eyes, lost in oblivion. Finally Erica spoke.

"Thank you Ben. Thank you for the best mission I've ever had. Thank you for coming into my life. Thank you for never giving up on me. Thank you for being such an amazing boyfriend. I love you Ben Ripley."

"I love you too."



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