Part 9

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Sorry this took so long! To those of you who remember when Erica went as Sasha Im sorry if it was kind of obvious who their attacker was, but for those of you who dont- MUAHAHAHA cliff hanger! Enjoy

Thankfully the next day was a Saturday, so we didn't have to get up early. Despite this Erica still got up early. I found her sitting on the sofa sipping a cup of iced tea, watching me intently. 

"Morning Erica." I yawned. 

"Its 10am sleepyhead." she said, amused. "how do you sleep so long?"

"How do you not?" I slid out of bed and opened the mini fridge. It was stock full of boxes of lettuce. "really?" I raised my eyebrows and looked pointedly at Erica who just smiled and shrugged, thinking the whole thing was funny. I dug through the boxes of salad greens until I finally found a half empty box of toaster waffles. There was no toaster, so I just bit into a frozen one. It was not frozen, instead soggy and kind of gross. I ate it anyway. 

"Where's Catherine?" I asked. 

"Getting breakfast from the nearby café." she responded casually. I sank down onto the couch next to her. Erica stiffened, but after a minute let herself relax and even scooted nearer to me. I smiled to myself. 

"We should talk about yesterday." she said. I blushed. 

"Yeah..." Erica took one look at my face and did one of her biggest eye rolls yet. 

"Not about me holding your hand you doofus. About the attacker."

"Oh. Of course!" I laughed, reddening to the color of a brick. Erica shook her head at me.

"Whoever took us out wasn't trying to hurt us, just send us a message. Probably trying to tell us they know who we are and to back off. It must be SPYDER." I looked away. 

"Erica... there's something I need to tell you. I talked to the person a little. It was a girl judging from her body shape. She was wearing a motorcycle helmet but she had long black hair coming out of it and she called you Sasha. There's only one person out there who knows you as Sasha. Erica's eyes narrowed. 

"That's not possible." Erica growled. "she's suppose to be living with her mother in China." My phone dinged on the counter. I got up and read the text, my face falling and my heartbeat speeding up. 

"Actually she's in LA. Her mother flew her out here to play Alexis's character's adoptive daughter Stella, but I have a feeling she's not just here to get famous." Erica clenched her fists. My phone rang with a facetime call. I clicked accept and pasted a big grin across my face. 

"Hey Ben!" said the girl.

"Hi Jessica." 

Im sorry this was a mini chapter! like really short. but i will try to make the next one longer!!!!!!!!! 

(btw for those of u who dont know Jessica is Jessica Shang from spy ski school. Leo Shangs daughter) 

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