Part 13

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heres a Berica chapter! im missing out in pancakes so im sorry if its rushed!!!

"Good morning sleepyhead." I blinked my eyes open to find myself lying in the bed in my hotel room with Erica next to me, her arm around me. She leaned forward and impulsively kissed my forehead, then kind of cringed at herself. 

"This whole being nice thing is gonna take some getting use to." she smiled and pulled me close to her. I looked around the room.

"Where's Catherine?" I asked.

"I asked if she could go out and get us breakfast." Erica grinned slyly. I was still slightly confused on our relationship status. Erica was acting, well, so anti Erica but we had never actually confirmed we were dating. I didn't ask her though, I didn't want to ruin the moment.

"They don't need us backround kids today." Erica said. "we have the whole day to hang out." 

"Hang out?" I smirked. Erica rolled her eyes and kissed me again. There was a tiny part of me that wondered if this was actually Trixie Hale, if somehow Erica had been replaced by her sister. 

"I never imagined you could be so-"

"Nice?" Erica finished. 

"Well... yeah." I grinned sheepishly. 

"Honestly me neither!" Erica laughed, laying her head on my shoulder. 

"I'm so glad we get a day off from the mission." I sighed, snuggling close to her. "the least amount of time I have to spend infiltrating bad guys layers and that sort of stuff the better." 

"I will never understand you." Erica said. My phone rang on the nightstand. It was a facetime from Mike. I clicked accept. Mike was in his room on his bed with Zoe sitting next to him.

"Hey guys!" I waved cheerfully. Mike's eyes went wide.

"Holy cow Ben! Is that Erica next to you? Were you two-" Erica flushed and quickly sat up. 

"Shut up Mike! We weren't doing anything! There's only one bed in our room and so we had to share." 

"Sure." Mike gave me a sly wink. Zoe looked amazed.

"Woah- Ben you've melted the Ice Queen!" 

"No he hasn't!" Erica snapped coldly. "if you two don't shut up I will reach through this phone and-" I jokingly pushed Erica out of the bed. Now I knew our status. A big fat secret. But what else could you expect from Erica Hale? I turned back to the phone.

"So whats up guys?" I asked. 

"We have been talking to Cyrus and he finally said that we could come down and help you on you mission! It would mean we would be staying with you, but Cyrus said if we flew out he could snag us a suite and we could all have better beds! Plus then maybe Catherine wouldn't have to sleep on the couch. We're getting on a plane later today and Catherine's gonna pick us up! We'll see you guys later!" They both waved and then ended the call. 

"Shoot." Erica snapped. "I thought this mission was gonna be Ben and Erica time! Not Mike and Zoe and Ben and Erica." she crawled back up on the bed. "and Ben- I saw your face when I denied liking you. You know the truth, I'm just not quite ready for others to know it." she put her hand on my shoulder and I pulled her back down onto the bed with me.

"Its okay." I smiled. "we still have most of the day for Berica time. What do you wanna do?" Erica blushed slightly.

"Berica." she grinned. "sounds cheesy."


(just want to warn people in advance that this section mite have a bit of gory descriptions in it... if you dont like that bewareeeeeee)

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