Part 20

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"OH MY GOD ERICA!" I screamed, rushing over to the waters edge, while also holding Jessica's wrist so she was unable to escape. Erica was clinging to a fallen branch, but struggling in the flow of the water. No matter how strong Erica was the water was stronger, pulling her down. 

"BEN! I'LL BE FINE! APPREHEND JESSICA FIRST!" Erica yelled up to me. She would not be fine, obviously. The water was dragging her under quickly- if I didn't climb down and pull her up she would be sucked down into the reservoir. Jessica was laughing at Erica and I, gleeful with our squirming. I knew the right thing to do was run to the car and grab a rope or zip ties or something and tie Jessica up, then see if maybe there was a spare sedation gun or something in the back. Or was it the right thing to do? By the time I apprehended Jessica Erica would be underwater- probably unable to be saved. 

"BEN! JUST TAKE OUT JESSICA!" suddenly a tiny lightbulb went off in my head. 

"YOU KNOW WHAT? FINE!" I yelled down. Then I grabbed Jessica's arm and flung her into the water. She landed next to Erica, clinging onto the fallen branch. 

"NOT COOL!" she yelled up, meanwhile trying to figure out a way to push Erica off the branch without loosing her own grasp. I took a step down towards the water, quickly working my way down to Erica. 

"BEN QUICKLY!" Erica yelled, trying to act calm (although I heard panic creeping into her voice. I began sliding down the dirty slope until I reached the water's edge. I reached out until my hand grasped Erica's. 

"I'm here. Just pull yourself up!" I hooked my foot on the fallen tree's root and yanked Erica out of the water. She was just about to reach the edge when Jessica grabbed her ankle and began yanking her back. Erica was kicking at Jessica, but Jessica didn't let go. I was having trouble holding onto Erica's hand.

"Ben! If this doesn't work than I just want you to know- I- I love you. I'm really sorry that we never got a chance to try to make this work. Make us work." 

"Stop talking like that! I'm going to save you! You've gotten me out of sticky situations since our first mission and its my turn to help!" Jessica laughed.

"You two are so sickening! Ben, I cant believe I ever liked you. Erica's never going to make it out of this alive! And you- you're gonna loose your precious little girlfriend before you even got to have your first date." her words snapped me.

"NO!" I growled, a sudden rush of energy flowing through my veins. I yanked on Erica hard and she came tumbling onto the shore, dragging Jessica with her. The three of us tumbled over each other until we hit the bottom of the slope and stopped. Erica and I sprang to our feet, a silent agreement going between us to save hugs for later. I grabbed Jessica's wrists and yanked them behind her back, while Erica swung her fist around. It collided with Jessica's face and sent a trickle of blood running out of her nose. Jessica yelped in pain, then collapsed to the ground. I let her fall and then rushed into Erica's arms. 

"Oh my god I'm so happy you're okay!" I cried into her shoulder. She was smiling the most beautiful smile I had ever seen on her face, on anyone's face. 

"Thank you Ben. Thank you so much." she broke away from me and looked at me with the most amount of emotion I had ever seen in her eyes. "at the karaoke place, when I asked you to be my boyfriend, I wasn't sure if I would- you know, want to actually date yet. These past few days with all the sweet little moments I was feeling very uncomfortable. I tried to convince myself that I would get over it if I pretended to enjoy it and feel comfortable then I would end up actually feeling that way. But after you saved me like that, I realized that you really are good for me. I realize that I can really open up to you, I just need your help. I really want to be your girlfriend, I just need you to help me bring out the teenage girl. Will you- will you do that for me?" Erica looked at me hopefully, her big sapphire eyes glinting in the moonlight. I put my arms around her neck and whispered to her:

"Of course. I would do anything for you Erica Hale."

Sorry, short and took long again! I'm really sorry to say but the book is coming to a close, however I will be writing another spy school, maybe even a sequel to this one, and I think you will all enjoy it just as much! I will have just as much if not more berica. There will be a few more chaps of this book tho, so pls dont worry. thank you all for everything! :)

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