Part 10

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Sorry this took so long i was struggling with ideas. but i hope u enjoyyyy

"Crap!" Erica yelled, throwing her empty ice tea glass against the wall. I backed against the wall. I had just gotten off facetime with Jessica, and durring the whole call I had watched Erica's face get angrier and angrier. When I had finally hit end on the call Erica had stood up and let out all her anger. 

"Woah- calm down!" I breathed as the glass shattered all over the floor. Erica was breathing heavily, her fists clenched and her eyes narrowed. "whats wrong with you?" Erica took a deep breath and sank onto the couch. I tentatively took a step closer to her. 

"I'm fine." Erica said cooly.  

"Your obviously upset-"

"I don't get upset!" Erica snapped, then realized that she was obviously being emotional. She closed her eyes and when she opened them again she looked a lot calmer. "I'm sorry Ben." she sighed. 

"Can I sit?" I asked, approaching the couch. Erica looked at me, confused. 

"You don't have to ask to sit." she said. I plopped down next to her. 

"I'm just gonna take that as a yes. Now tell me whats wrong."

"Nothings wrong." Erica said evenly. I raised my eyebrows and nodded towards the broken glass on the floor. Erica cringed. 

"Fine." she grumbled. "its just that last time we had a mission with Jessica- you know. Things got complicated. With- you... and Jessica... you know." Erica looked forward at the TV, holding her head high. I smiled to myself. Erica was jealous of Jessica.

"Just admit your jealous." I teased her. She glared at me. 

"I'm not jealous." Erica said coldly. 

"Yes you are sweetheart." Erica and I both jumped up off the couch to find Catherine leaning against the doorframe. Erica glared bullets at her mother, then at me, not knowing how else to handle her emotions except Ice Queen style. 

"Fine. You want the truth? I don't like the Ben that comes out around Jessica. I don't like how he likes her. I hate how she's just so nice and pretty and- ugh! I just hate Jessica Shang!" she stormed past her mother and out of the hotel room. I sheepishly turned away, muttering an excuse about having to use the bathroom, but Catherine grabbed my shoulder before I could leave. 

"Benjamin, whats going on here?" she asked. 

"Well, you remember that mission Erica and I went on in Vail?" Catherine nodded, understanding.

"Erica told me all about Jessica Shang. So she's in town?"

"Yeah... so in the movie Alexis's character Haylee has an adopted daughter. Jessica's mom is old friends with Alexis and got her into the part, but we have a feeling that she's here for more than the movie. I think she's behind the threat, or at least working with whoever's behind it."  Catherine sighed deeply. 

"You know as mad as Erica seemed, deep down she's just confused and worried she might loose you."

"She wont loose me. I just wish she knew knew it."


"Ben!" Jessica flew towards me and wrapped me in a big, warm hug. Next to me Erica grimaced. "so good to see you." 

"Yeah! Its- its great to see you too!" I pasted a big fake smile on my face. I've missed you!" Jessica released me and turned to Erica. 

"And Sasha. Nice to see you too... I guess." it was Jessica's turn to fake a smile. 

"Its Erica." Erica said coldly. 

"Erica. How... nice." Jessica quickly turned back to me and lowered her voice. "so how's being a spy?" she asked excitedly. Erica's glare got stronger. 

"Don't mention our secret one more time. If I hear you ever talk about it again I will cram my hand down your throat and rip out your vocal box." Jessica leaned in and whispered into my ear.

"I don't remember her being so intense."

"I can hear you." Erica grumbled. 

"I'm headed to my trailer, you could come and we could hang out until they need us." Jessica was directing all this towards me, having completely turned her back on Erica. 

"We'd love that." I said. Jessica linked her arm in mine and led me to her large white trailer. We stepped inside. I could see Erica taking in the room, memorizing every inch. There was a big leather sofa facing a large screen plasma TV. there was a mini fridge bigger than the one in our hotel room, a vanity table and a bathroom. I sank down on the couch next to Jessica, suddenly feeling taken by her beauty even though I knew she was working for the bad guys. Erica saw this and scowled, deciding then to wedge herself in between Jessica and I. Jessica glared at Erica, sizing her up. 

"Excuse me, but I was sitting next to Ben." Jessica got up and sat on my other side. 

"Well I want to sit next to Ben." Erica blurted, not even aware that these words made it sound like she cared. 

"Why? Are you two dating?" Jessica smirked, as if she knew a lot more about Erica then we thought. Erica clammed up.

"No! We aren't dating! I don't date." Jessica smirked.

"Then I guess you wont mind." she leaned against me. For a moment I couldn't breathe. Two beautiful girls fighting over me! For a moment I wondered if I was in some alternate reality. There was a knock on the trailer door. Jessica got up and opened it. Jinny stood outside. 

"Jessica they need you on set." she smiled cheerfully when she saw Erica and I. "you two know the way back to your holding room right?" 

"Yep!" I smiled and Erica and I stood up, acting like we were leaving. As soon as Jessica and Jinny were out of sight however we ducked back inside the trailer. 

"Jessica is such a little-" Erica started, but I cut her off before she could go on calling Jessica rude names. 

"Erica she's the bad guy. I promise I'm never going to choose her. I'll always choose you." Erica turned away and began rooting through Jessica's Gucci purse. 

"You know what Ben?" she said without any emotion. "you can do whatever you want. Cause I don't care. Not anymore."

DONT WORRY I WILL NOT RUIN BERICA AND THER WILL BE NO BESSICA. (sorry i didnt know if jessica and ben had a ship name.)

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