Part 8

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sorry but this is gonna b a short chapter! Enjoy

"CUT! Lunch break!" Buck seemed frustrated at the fact that he had to give us anything that would be pleasing, such as food and a half hour break from his incessant yelling. Erica and I headed for the lunch line where I got a burger and some fries and Erica got a salad.  We then made our way to a table in the far corner of the room and began shoving food in our mouths. 

"Erica- can I talk to you about something?" she looked up from her lunch and raised an eyebrow at me. "about this morning." I clarified. 

"No." she said flatly and turned back to her salad. 

"You cant keep acting like maybe you feel something about me and then just ignore me." I pressed. 

"I can do whatever I want." I sighed. Erica really didn't know how to handle her feelings. 

"I cant wait around for you forever to just make up your mind and decide weather your gonna like me or not." Erica looked up again, her face cold but her eyes worried.

"Ben I'm sorry but its complicated for me. I have trigger responses, things that I automatically do or say in response  to a situation or emotion and none of them include kindness or caring. It hard for me to switch those up, confusing. Just please, give me time to work things out."

"Talking about these things helps you." I pushed. Erica narrowed her eyes and shook her head. The Ice Queen was back. I glared at her. We spent the rest of lunch break in silence. When the half our was up Erica and I dumped our trays and began making our way back to our holding room. I was starting to feel kind of bad. I knew about Erica's problems with feelings.

"I'm sorry." I blurted. She turned to me, unsure how to respond. "I know you have a hard time dealing with emotions. I shouldn't have brought it up." Erica, still not knowing what to say, just nodded and held out her hand. I cautiously took it. If I wanted to melt the Ice Queen I had to do it step by step. Suddenly Erica stiffened. I looked around, worried.

"Whats going on?" I asked quietly. Erica didn't respond. Instead she went limp and faceplanted into the linoleum floor, a sedation dart sticking out of her back. I went on defense, dropping to Erica's side and pulling out the hidden gun holster on her ankle. I then backed against the wall as to avoid an attack from the rear. A thin figure about my height clad in black and wearing a motorcycle helmet suddenly dropped from the ceiling. The mole. Judging by her figure and the long black hair cascading out of the back of the helmet I assumed it was a girl. 

"Back away from Sasha." said the person. They had a deep and unsteady voice, courtesy of a voice modulator I presumed. 

"Sasha?" I asked, confused. "You must have the wrong people. I'm Ben and this is Erica." the girl paused, mulling this over, then seemed to have a sudden realization that made her angry. The temperature in the room seemed to drop. 

"I meant Erica." she snapped in her modulated growl. I pointed the gun at her.

"Come on Ben. We both know you suck when it comes to guns. I've learned a lot about you since last time." I kept the gun trained on her, knowing all well that she was right, I wouldn't and couldn't shoot her. 

"Last time?" I asked, confused. The girl shook her head but didn't respond- instead she pulled a sedation gun out of her pocket. 

"I'm sorry about this Ben, but its for your own good." Then she shot me in the arm and I fell to the ground next to Erica, out cold.


I blinked once, twice, three times to clear the fog out of my eyes. Where was I? I sat up and saw Erica across the room, just waking up as well. 

"Ben?" she murmured drearily. "wha-"

"The mole caught us off guard. We were sedated and I supposed dragged here." Erica pushed herself to her feet, then stumbled over and pulled me up.

"I guess whoever we're dealing with wanted to send us a message, tell us their not messing around." she sighed, annoyed. "I cant believe I let my guard down." I cringed. Erica had been distracted by me and my lame conversation. 

"Sorry... I shouldn't have distracted you." Erica seemed caught in between being mad and being forgiving, but finally just decided to shrug it off. 

"Whatever. You didn't know." I looked around. We seemed to be in a janitors closet. Erica pushed on the door and it opened, confirming we weren't locked inside. We exited into a dark hallway. I pulled my phone out of my pocket.

"Its 11pm!" I gasped. "we were out for a really long time!" Erica nodded and pulled out her phone. 

"I'd better call mom." she slipped around the corner to call Catherine. I sat down and leaned against the wall. Parts of the conversation were coming back to me. Like how the girl had called Erica Sasha. Suddenly I had a horrible thought. There was only one person I knew who would call Erica Sasha. But it couldn't be..

MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA more tomorrow 

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