Part 7

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Just a short little Berica moment!

We got back to the hotel at 12:30am. I was exhausted from the night of setting up our own cameras, discussing important scenarios ETC. with Alexis, going through countless actors and actresses files, and getting basically nowhere. I could tell both Erica and Catherine were tired as well. It felt amazing to lay down in the bed, even though it was only about as comfortable as my cot back at Spy School. Erica didn't even bother to pretend she wanted to sleep on the floor, she just crawled into bed next to me and curled up against my chest. I put my arm around her and she snuggled up to me, sighing contentedly. She was asleep in a minute, and I started to fade right after her. 

I woke up early the next morning to whispering voices. I pretended to still be asleep so I could listen into Erica and Catherine as they talked. 

"Erica you have to face the fact you like him." Catherine said calmly. I perked up. They were talking about me!

"Mom, I know. I really, really like him. But I don't want to have another Josh."

"Sweetheart, Ben is nothing like Joshua was. He would never betray you." 

"I never thought Josh would. I trusted him with my life. I just don't know if I can do that again."

"You know that Ben wouldn't do that to you. He loves you. He's already proven that."

"There's also this. What if- what if I did ask him out and something happened to him? Dating him would be the closest I've been to him, a new level. I wouldn't have to struggle every time, deciding weather I should show him any feeling. He would be mine. But what if- what if he died? It would hurt on a whole new level."

"No it wouldn't. If Ben died, no matter what your relationship status was, you'd be just as heartbroken. That's just the price that comes with loving someone."

"I never should have allowed myself to like him." Erica sounded broken, close to tears.

"Erica honey you cant control how you feel about someone. No matter what Cyrus tells you, you cant shut off the part of you that develops feelings for someone. You can ignore it, but that just causes pain. You had no choice but to fall for Ben. The best thing you can do for yourself is not fight." I opened my eyes a sliver to see Erica burry her face in her moms shoulder. She wasn't crying, just upset. 

"I don't know what to do." she whispered softly. 

"Yes you do. Take your time sweetheart. You'll do it when your heart's ready." Erica stood up, taking a deep breath and pulling herself together. 

"Thanks mom." she said, heading over to her suitcase to pick out her outfit for the day. 

"Anytime." Catherine smiled. "I'll be back in a few minutes. I have a phone call to make. You should get Ben up. We will need to be going soon if you want to make work." with that Catherine left the room. Erica set down the clothing she had taken out and slid onto the bed next to me. She wrapped her arms around me, assuming I was still asleep.

"I just can't pretend anymore. Not around you." she whispered into my shoulder. I pretended to slowly wake up, wrapping my arms around her and pulling her close. 

"Erica you don't have to. You can show the world whatever level of Ice Queen you want, but you can just be you around me." I could feel her smiling. 

"Ben Ripley, you really are something." 

"Is that a good thing?" I laughed. 

"Its the best."

I'm sorry if im making this too much Berica. I just love writing Berica stuff! The next chapter will have some exciting surprises! 

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