Part 14

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Sorry 4 another kinda short chapter, but here it isssss! ENJOY! and please i need ideas for ss group texts! 

"Ben! Wake up!" Erica was tapping on my shoulder. I squeezed my eyes shut tighter and made a groaning noise. I felt Erica press her lips against mine. I put my arm around her and kissed her back, registering that this kiss mean Mike and Zoe weren't awake yet. When I pulled away I was awake. Erica smiled at me playfully and pushed me out of the bed. 

"Jessica texted you." she said, handing me my phone. 

"You were on my phone?" I asked, annoyed. 

"Just wanted to make sure you weren't secretly dating Jessica behind my back." Erica offered a smile. I rolled my eyes and kissed her forehead. 

"I wouldn't do that to you." I replied, taking my phone from her and read the text. 

Jessica: Hey Ben! Meet me in my trailer. Im gonna introduce you to the rest of the team and we're gonna brief you on the plan!

Ben: okay! what time should I meet you? 

Jessica: when you check in just come strait here. and do not bring erica. 

Ben: i wont. see you soon

Jessica: your the best! 💗

Erica peered over my shoulder.

"Nosy much?" I asked.

"She sent you a heart! That's not appropriate friend behavior! When I get my hands on her..." Erica grumped.

"Erica don't worry! I like you and you only." I put my hand on her shoulder. 

"Prove it." Erica said flatly. I rolled my eyes at her and leaned in for another kiss. 

"Ohmygod!" I heard the whisper across the room. I saw Erica's eyes go wide and the next thing I knew she had judo flipped me and I lay panting on the floor. 

"Sorry Ben but I already told you. No relationships. Get it through your head!" Erica said coldly, pulling me back up. I knew it was all an act but it still hurt. 

"Wow Ice Queen. That was cold- even for you!" Zoe said, upset on my behalf. Erica glared at her. 

"Ben crossed a line." she snapped. "I'm going to get ready." Erica headed into the bathroom. I turned away and pulled some cloths out of my suitcase, trying to ignore the throbbing pain in my shoulder. I picked out a pair of jeans and a white tee shirt, not to eye catching but comfortable. Erica exited the bathroom wearing a pair of white denim shorts and a pink tank top with a gold pineapple on it, her hair down in perfect beachy waves. Zoe looked surprised.

"I didn't know Erica could dress like a normal person!" she whispered to Mike, who had just woken up. 

"I don't like it but I have to blend in." Erica said coldly. I went into the bathroom and quickly changed into my clothing, brushed my hair and teeth and then exited. Catherine was in our room now, at the stove cooking some eggs and bacon. 

"Good morning Benjamin!" she smiled cheerfully. Erica brushed past me from behind, whispering into my ear:

"I'm sorry about flipping you." I just nodded at her, then sat at the counter as Catherine served breakfast. Zoe, Mike, Erica and I gobbled down the food and quickly finished getting ready. It was going to be a long day. 


"Jessica! Its Ben!" the trailer door opened and a smiling Jessica yanked me inside. 

"Hey Ben!" she said, motioning for me to sit on the couch. I did. There were three other people in the room; two identical teen girls, both with wavy blonde hair and dark gray eyes, both wearing swirly blue tee shirts and black athletic shorts, and a woman with dark purple hair and a nose piercing wearing a gray jumpsuit. 

"This is Geneva, our mission commander." Jessica said, motioning to the purple haired lady. "and these are the Karlson twins, Sandy and Sadie." I was dripping with relief that these SPYDER members were ones who I had never met. I faked a big smile and shook hands with the other team members.

"I'm Ben." I said hoping they wouldn't recognize the name. The Karlson twins didn't- they seemed to be slightly ditzy and not exactly the type you would expect to find working for an evil organization. Geneva however gave me a suspicious glare. 

"Ben who?" she asked. 

"Ben... Ripley." I cringed as Geneva's eyes became little slits.

"Jessica Shang. Do you know who this boy is?"

"Um... yeah. He's a CIA agent who decided to take the easy road out of getting caught snooping around my room by helping us. He's one of my best friends!" Jessica smiled at me, and so did the Karlson twins.

"Wow Ben!" said Sandy. "that's inspiring!" Jessica leaned in and whispered in my ear:

"They are such big airheads! The only reason they were recruited was they have amazing martial arts skills and their psychotic mother who killed their father works for the CIA and they want revenge." I nodded. Geneva was on her guard.

"Ben Ripley is the agent who has turned down our offers of recruitment every time we came to him and the one time we thought he was with us he was actually a mole for the CIA. He's sickeningly good." Jessica raised her eyebrows at me, suspicious. I quickly tried to think of an answer and came up with a good one. Hard... but good.

"Its Erica." I said, trying to act sad. "she- she and I had a big fight and she said that after this mission she never wanted to see me again. She broke my heart and to be honest, she was the only reason I stayed at the CIA. Without Erica as my partner I'm nothing. I would have died ten times over without her, so I was planning to just be a really bad student when I got back to the academy- bad enough that they'd kick me out." I pretended to wipe my eyes and swallow a lump in my throat. Geneva's face softened and Jessica put her arm around me. 

"Don't worry Ben. We would never betray you."

"But we will keep a close eye on you." Geneva snarled under her breath. Jessica sighed and then became all business. 

"Alright Ben. The objective of our operation here is to obtain information through the blackmailing of Alexis Montell, but that much I'm sure you know." I nodded. 

"Actually I read the threat you guys left for her and it said the info you wanted was the latest in CIA brainwave altering technology and a list of all the CIA agents or something like that."

"Yes." a malicious grin spread over Geneva's face. "we are going to take down the CIA once and for all!"

"And avenge daddy!" Sadie snarled. 

"How?" I asked, pretending to be intrigued instead of frightened. 

"With the brainwave altering stuff we can erase the memories of every CIA agent, making them  forget there even is a CIA! Then we do the same to MI6, homeland security, FBI, ect. Then we have no enemies and are fee to cause chaos as we wish!" Jessica laughed. "its going to be totally awesome!" I stiffened, but tried not to show it.

"And Ben," Sandy put her hand on my shoulder, "for your sake we can start with Erica!" 

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