Part 11

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so sorry for another short chapter that took all day! enjoyyyyyy (and Erica will loose the ice queen thing soon dont worry)

"Follow me." Erica said icily, grabbing my arm and pulling me down the hall. 

"Where are we going?" I asked. 

"Following Jessica." We had just gotten out of filming. Erica had been giving me the cold shoulder all day, back to her usual Ice Queen self. Jessica got in a limo parked on the curb and sped away. 

"How are we suppose to follow her?" I questioned cautiously. Erica headed over to a red Ducati motorcycle parked by the curb and hotwired it. I shook my head.

"No. Oh no. No no no. We are not stealing a motorcycle." 

"Yes we are. Now get on." Erica demanded flatly. I didn't feel like getting into an argument with Erica so I hopped onto the bike and grabbed her waist as we screeched out of the space and down the road. Normally riding on the back of an expensive motorcycle with your arms around a beautiful girl, wind blowing through your hair might be romantic. It wasn't. For starters Erica was stiff in my grasp, not happy that I was clinging to her to keep from falling off. Also neither of us were wearing helmets, therefor the wind blowing through my hair was a reminder of one more thing to be afraid of. We turned a corner and spotted Jessica's limo parking out front a big fancy place called the Hollywood Hotel. We parked the motorcycle around the back of the building and Erica pulled her black backpack off her back. She took out a long blonde wig, sunglasses, and a motorcycle jacket and slipped them all on. they totally transformed her. 

"Where did you get that stuff?" I asked. 

"Wardrobe department." Erica answered, as of it was a normal thing to steal costumes from a movie. 

"Did you get anything for me?" Erica nodded curtly and pulled a pair of aviator sunglasses and a blue hoodie out of the bag. I took them for her and put them on.

"Pull the hood over your head." Erica said. I did. She looked me up and down, then sighed. 

"It'll have to do." we walked around the side of the building and entered through the grand front doors. We spotted Jessica getting into an elevator with four large Chinese men; bodyguards. We hurried past the front desk and into the next elevator over. 

"What floor do you think she's on?" I asked. Erica shrugged. 

"We'll just try them all until we find her." there were five floors. We finally found Jessica exiting her room on the fourth wearing a swirly blue bikini. She was going swimming.  I couldn't take my eyes off her. She walked towards the elevator where we were standing.

"Excuse me?" I jumped. Jessica was talking to me.

"Oh um hi. Sorry am I blocking the elevator?" 

"Don't worry about it." Jessica smiled sweetly, then noticed me staring at her. She raised an eyebrow.

"Sorry." I said, turning away before she could recognize me. Her four Chinese thugs trailed after her, giving Erica and I weary looks. 

"Nice one." Erica hissed once Jessica was gone. "you couldn't have been more subtle staring at her in that bikini." my cheeks flushed the color of a tomato. 

"I wasn't staring." I said defensively. 

"Yes you were." even though Erica's eyes were blocked by the large movie star sunglasses I could see more than just coldness in her face. I could see hurt, upset that I was looking at another girl the way I looked at her. She quickly pursed her lips and her face went back to its normal stoniness. I walked over to the door that I had seen Jessica exit out of. Room 125. Erica joined me and took a look at the electronic lock. Then she pulled out her phone and typed in some commands. then she held up a QR code and the door clicked. 

"Impressive." I said. 

"It was simple. You should know how to do it." she said cooly. I pushed open the door and Erica and I entered the suite. It was large and grand, nowhere near as amazing as the suite in the Arabelle that Jessica had been in in Vail but it was still nice. There was a unmade queen sized bed with a poofy white comforter, a whole kitchen setup, a huge flat screen TV and a big white couch. There were two doors in the room, one that led to a bathroom and one that led to the other part of the suite, presumably where the bodyguards were staying. 

"We might not have that long so lets get this over with. Erica said, making her way over to the bed and pulling on a pair of sleek black gloves to keep her fingerprints off Jessica's stuff. I didn't have gloves so I just stood awkwardly in the kitchen area waiting for Erica to finish. It was about 90 degrees outside and the AC in the room seemed to be off. I pulled the hoodie off and stuffed it in Erica's bag. She gave me a disapproving stare but then turned back to her snooping. 

"Jessica isn't stupid." I said. "do you think that she would really leave a top secret document laying around?" 

"I'm not looking for a top secret document just laying around. I'm looking for something she might have hidden." Erica ducked into the bathroom. I took a step closer to Jessica's bed and saw a framed photo on her nightstand. A photo of a younger Jessica standing on a surfboard on the beach, a big wave behind her. She had the same big brown eyes, the same smile so full of love...

"Ben? What the hell?" I heard a familiar voice behind me. I slowly turned around to face Jessica. 

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