Part 17

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Sorry this is gonna be really short and not as good a chapter as the others but I will make the next one better!

"Here's the plan." Erica, Catherine, Mike, Zoe and I were sitting around the small coffee table in the living room of our hotel room. Erica was laying out a plan for us. "Ben has to stay with Jessica and her team or else his cover will be blown. As Ben told us they chose to broadcast the signal through a high power microphone. Jessica sings, then the blondies, and if they each do a few songs the signal will spread far enough to wipe all of California clear of law enforcement. So- Mike, Zoe, your going to be stationed around the lounge doing damage control. Ben, you'll be with team terrible to distract them as long as you can. Mom, you have to find the papers that we gave them and destroy every last one. And me- I'll do whatever I can to keep them from broadcasting the signal." she took five little tiny earpieces from her utility belt which she had clipped back on over her black sweatpants and mint green spaghetti strap tank top. Even though Erica wouldn't admit it, I suspected that she was enjoying looking like a normal teenage girl. She had barely worn her standard black outfit for the whole mission. Her hair was in a long French braid laying over her shoulder. We had spent three hours at the Hollywood sign, and afterward she had been too tired to drive back to the hotel so we spent the night in the backseat of the car, her arms wrapped around me, holding me tight. We had driven back to find Mike, Zoe, and Catherine all smirking and making jokes about Erica and I. Erica, quickly fed up, decided to change the subject and make plans for the next day. 

"How are you suppose to keep them from broadcasting the signal?" Mike raised his eyebrows, a smile playing on his face. "you gonna sing?"

"Maybe, maybe not." Erica gave him a cool, unwavering stare." Mike tried to hide his amusement.

"I'm just going to pretend I don't think the whole idea is funny in favor of keeping my spleen in place." Zoe snorted. Erica glared but ignored the comment. 

"Yeah your spleen is in danger anyway." she mumbled. I put my hand on her leg and she got the message. Catherine got up.

"Who wants pancakes?" she asked. I jumped up, eager to get away from the awkward air in the room. 

"Me!" I rushed over to the mini kitchenette and began pulling ingredients out the the fridge. "in fact I'm gonna make them." I pushed Catherine out of the kitchen. Erica got up and joined me in the kitchen as I began measuring and pouring ingredients into a bowl.

"You good?" she asked, reaching for the eggs and cracking them into the bowl. 

"I'm great actually." I smiled at her. "just you know, need a distraction from the impending doom."

"Ben you have succeeded at every mission you've been on before your gonna succeed this time too." she began vigorously whisking the batter as I heated up a pan.

"You don't need to help you know." 

"I don't mind." she brought the bowl over and poured a few pancakes. Mike and Zoe got up and joined Catherine at the counter. I flipped the pancakes, then served them. Erica and I sat down next to each other on the couch and I began shoving food in my mouth. Even Erica, who never ate pancakes or any other "junk food" for that matter was eating a pancake. Who was this girl? Mike and Zoe were obviously thinking the same thing. Erica picked up on this and gave us all a look.

"What? I'm not aloud to eat some carbs every once in a while?" she asked with an icy stare. We all backed off. On the table my phone buzzed. I picked it up and saw a text from Jessica

Jessica: we have a problem. 

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