Part 4

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Okie dokie we r back! Did u check out my other stories?  If so thanks so muchhhhhhhhhhhh :) comment down below if u want more berica! :)

I woke up the next morning to find Erica still asleep with her arm around me. I turned over to face her. She was breathing softly and still smiling. I heard a rustling at the foot of the bed and turned my head to see Catherine taking a photo. I shook my head no, but she smiled and continued to photograph us. I gently prodded Erica and she blinked sleepily. 

"Ben... good morning..." then Erica seemed to snap to being fully awake, taking in that one, she had been snuggling me, and two her mom was sitting on the foot of the bed laughing. She quickly sprang up and began riffling through her suitcase. Erica grabbed an outfit and rushed into the tiny bathroom. Catherine got up and headed over to the mini fridge. It was apparently empty. 

"We're going to have to get breakfast on the way." she informed me. I climbed out of bed and sat on the couch. Catherine sat beside me.

"Benjamin, is something wrong?" she asked.

"Its Erica. The day we were told about the mission we were sitting on the stone wall of the campus perimeter watching the sunrise. She was about to say something but the principal came in and interrupted." Catherine grimaced.

"I don't like that man." she said.

"Anyway, I feel like she keeps getting close to me, then deciding against it." I was surprised at how comfortable I felt talking to Catherine. She put her hand on my shoulder.

"Ben, Erica likes you. She may be on the edge about how to go forward, but I guarantee that at some point soon she will give you what you want. I know my daughter. She's trying to protect herself from a threat that doesn't exist. Sooner than later she will see this." 

"I hope so." I said. "sometimes I wonder if she really thinks of herself as my friend."

"I do." I jumped up to see Erica sitting on the bed. She wore a pair of black leggings and the blue tank top with the jean jacket over it. Her raven hair was pulled back into a high ponytail on the back of her head. She looked stunning. I smiled at her. 

"Really. Get dressed Ben. We should be going." I grabbed a pair of jeans and a black tee shirt from my bag and slipped into the bathroom to get ready.


After stopping by a café to get some food Catherine dropped Erica and I off at the Sunset Gower Studios. A woman with light brown eyes, reddish brown hair pulled up in a ponytail, in a leather jacket and black jumpsuit met us outside the building and led us inside.

"I'm Jennifer Lane, but you can call me Jinny! I'm work for extra's casting and will be taking care of you two and the rest of our backround cast! Erica Taylor and Benjamin Garcia right?"

"Yep!" Erica said cheerfully, transforming from the Ice Queen to a normal, excited teenager. The CIA had given production fake last names, just for safety. We followed Jinny into a dressing room that had been lined with sofas and string lights to make it more comfortable. 

"This is extras holding 3, where we keep all the kids. You will be here when your not on camera!" Jinny informed us. "make yourselves comfortable!" Jinny pointed out the door down the hall. "I'll be down there if you need anything! I will come get you two when hair and makeup is ready!" She closed the door. There were maybe thirty other people were in the room. Erica and I found a loveseat in the corner of the room and sat down. 

"Ben, I need to talk to you about something." she said quietly, eyeing the other kids in the room. None of them seemed interested in the two of us, they were all either staring at their phones or talking loudly to each other. 

"Whats up?" I asked.

"Earlier I heard you talking to my mom." I winced, already uncomfortable.


"She was right. I just cant be pushed, I need to figure out how I feel. But that day, on the wall watching the sunrise, I- I think..." Erica was cut off by the door opening and a frazzled Jinny hurrying in.

"Kids! The director wants you on set immediately! We all sprang up and followed Jinny to a room marked 


We filed in and found the camera crew setting up, set dressers running around placing books on desks and Alexis Montel herself sitting behind a large teachers desk at the front of the room running lines. Alexis was in her late twenties, a tall pretty woman with long black hair that faded into dark brown at the ends, eyes that were a strange purple color I didn't know eyes could be, red lips stretched into a soft smile. If I wasn't only 13 than I would have had a huge crush on her. In full teen girl mode Erica pasted a huge grin across her face, gasped super loud, and put one of her hands over her heart. 

"O.M.G! Alexis Montell?!" she screeched. Alexis looked up at Erica and smiled. 

"Hi sweetheart! Whats your name?" Alexis got up and came over to the large group of backround kids, all jumping around excitedly. 

"I'm Erica Taylor!" Erica squealed. Alexis pasted a smile on her face. 

"Erica! Nice to meet you! And you are?" she turned to me. Alexis knew who we were, but had to act like she didn't for the sake of everyone else in the room. 

"Ben Garcia." I smiled and shook her hand. Just then a big beefy man came up to us. 

"Extras." he sneered under his breath. "excuse me, but I am your director Buck Sharman and I need all you kids to go sit in a desk and keep your big mouths shut." he pointed with a beefy finger. Alexis mouthed "I'm Sorry!" at us as she headed back to the teachers desk. Buck went over and began yelling at the Steadicam operator. Behind everyone's back Erica stuck her tongue out at Buck. I stifled a laugh and sat down in the desk next to her. 

"ALRIGHT PEOPLE!" Buck turned and began yelling at us. "Hayley here-" Buck motioned to Alexis who's character was named Hayley- "is a spy who quit the CIA after an injury and became a high school teacher. You are her students. SO BE STUDENTY!!!" I exchanged a glace with Erica, who was trying hard not to explode right back at Buck. 

"Studenty?" I mouthed. She shrugged and shook her head. 

"Alright people! We are shooting a movie not relaxing at a day spa! Now lets get going! Action!" Buck screamed. I groaned to myself. This was going to be a long day.

HAHAHAHA guys im gonna have so much fun with this Buck guy. Im sorry for not making this chap longer but its two chaps in a day. and yes I probably have better things to do than sit at the computer all day writing but I enjoy it so- :) more soon!

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