Chapter Fifteen

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"Will you be my girlfriend?"

"Bambina, I just poured my heart out to you. Of course I will" smiles shone from their faces. "But Danielle, are you sure? I don't want to force you into anything" the Italian asked cautiously.

"Yes I'm 100% sure, I want this, trust me bambi" the blonde stroked the brunettes cheeks. "Now bacami!" Danielle said as they laughed at her pronunciation.

Danielle didn't need to ask twice, Stefania's lips continued roaming Danielle's. Both fighting for dominance, Stefania won. She took control of the kiss, slowly moving down her jaw to her neck. "Stefania" the blonde moaned. "Stefania wait wait" the blonde pulled away. The brunette looking worried. "As much as I want girlfriend sex right now, I am also very hungover and if you put any pressure on my stomach I may throw up" she laughed nervously. "Can we just go in the hot tub and snuggle?"
"You have a hot tub?" Stefania's eyes widened.
"Oh my god, I haven't given you a house tour! Come on I'll show you"
The blonde quickly jumped up, instantly regretting it. "Ohhh... the rooms spinning" Stefania quickly held on to the blonde. "The house tour can wait bambina, plus I gave myself a downstairs one earlier looking for you" she laughed "let's just get to the hot tub".

They grab two towels and head out the back. They quickly jump in to keep warm, it was rather chilly out tonight. They both relax in each other's arms, enjoying the bumbles. "This is making me feel better" the blonde snickered "the bubbles, the steam and you..naked" she laughed. "Well I'm glad I can be of service" they both laugh.

"Bambi, I need to ask you something and it's bad because I feel like I should already know the answer but I don't" the blonde asked puzzled.

"Go on" she replied nervously.

"What do you do? For work?" She laughed.

"You scared me a bit then silly!" The brunette splashed some water on the blonde. "But I'm a dancer, a choreographer, I own my own dance academy. I do a lot of admin these days. We have actually worked together before..Me and you"

"We have?" She a asked surprised.

"Si, si, well we have liaised over email, I have worked with a few of your artist in the past".

"Wait why didn't you tell me sooner?" She pouted.

"I only found out yesterday and well you were to.. to drunk to speak so I didn't tell you". Stefania flicked Danielle's pouted lips with her thumb.

For some reason that started to turn Danielle on, her thumb on her lip. "So if you're a dancer.." Danielle smirked "how come you've never given me a lap dance? I'm offended"

"You want a lap dance huh" the brunette grinned. "Okay, you can have one"

"Like right now?" The blonde asked eagerly.

"Not right now, it will be when you least expect it" she smirked.

"Such a tease Stefania!" Danielle moaned.

"I'm the tease? You're the one sat there looking all perfect with your very.. very naked body on show" Stefania argued back.

Danielle rolled her eyes and continued hugging Stefania.

They sat there for a while, listening to the bumbles and their surroundings. "I think I want to buy a new house" the blonde blurted.

"What's wrong with this one? I think it's very nice"

"This one feels.. It feels tainted, like it's infested."

"Oh, because of Casey?" The brunette dared to mention her name right now.

Danielle sighed "Yes and I know I sound silly because I owned this house before I even met Casey but I don't know. I've lived here for four years, two of them spent with her here. It doesn't feel like my home anymore, I don't feel comfy here. I thought I would be happy to have my house back, I am but I think I'm more happy that she's out of my life.. If you get me?"

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