Chapter Twenty-Nine

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"Baby, you need to wake up" Danielle whispered to her sleeping girlfriend, her hand stroking the brunette's cheek "Bambi, sleeping beauty, it's scan day"

The brunette slowly started to stir and wake up "Hmmmm... I'm tired" she pouted.

"I know beautiful but we only have an hour until your appointment"

"Can you cuddle me for a little bit? I missed you" Stefania pouted cuddling her girlfriend tighter.

"Okay" Danielle pressed a gentle kiss to her head "five more minutes but then we really have to get ready". She snuggled back into her pregnant girlfriend, enjoying every moment they had together.


"You ready?" Danielle smiled holding her girlfriends hand. Stefania nodded then Danielle lead them out to the car.

"Wait a sec babe, I'll get your door" Danielle rushed to lock the house and ran to the car opening Stefania doors helping her in.

The car ride was quiet, mainly due to Stefania being so tired. "You nervous bambi?" Danielle asked placing her hand on Stefania's thigh to try and stop it bouncing.

"A little" she smiled weakly avoiding eye contact.

"Hey, talk to me, what's going on in that pretty head of yours?"

Stefania sighed, "I'm just nervous, we will hear the heartbeat and we get to find out the gender... I'm just... I'm just a little scared" she admitted holding onto Danielle's hand.

"That's okay, I understand. Honestly I'm a little scared to" Danielle smiled holding Stefania's hand to kiss it.

"You are?" Stefania asked surprised

"I am. I feel like this is the point where it gets real, like really real. Not that it wasn't before but we get all the information this time", as they stopped at a red light Danielle leaned over and pressed a delicate kiss to her girlfriends lips. "I love you, I'm here, I will always be here, talk to me beautiful okay?"

Stefania nodded giving Danielle a genuine smile "I love you too, I'm sorry I will"

"Don't be sorry, I just want my two loves to be happy" Danielle gave Stefania's hand a reassuring squeeze. "Do you have any idea's for names bambi?"

"I have a few, I kind of want to keep Italian in it somewhere?" 

"I would absolutely love that" Danielle smiled.

"So I was thinking, if it's a boy, Andréa or Luca? If it's a girl, well Andréa would work both ways, but Lucia?" Stefania suggested nervously.

"I like that" Danielle smiled pulling Stefania's hand up for a kiss.

They pull up into the car park, suddenly Stefania's nerves made a reappearance.
"There's no need to be nervous Stef, I will be right by your side" Danielle reassured her girlfriend.

"I know I know" Stefania sighed "Can you hold me for a minute please?" She asked sadly.

"Of course I can" Danielle pulled the brunette in closer, she could feel Stefania's heart beating fast. "Hey beautiful, I need you to calm down. I know you're anxious but there's no need, everything will be perfectly fine" she soothed, rubbing her back softy.
After a few minutes, Stefania's heart slowed down, her anxiety calmed.

"Come on, let's head in" Danielle placed a gently kiss to the top of Stefania's head. She quickly got out the car and ran around to open Stefania's door.

The couple walked hand in hand into the hospital, and headed up to the maternity floor. "Hey Stef?" Danielle asked.

"Yes bambina?"

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