Chapter Forty-Two

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Unknown Number - "Sí, you have my permission"

Danielle's face lit up, a smile plastered all over her face. Now she had done the hard part she just needed to figure out how she was going to do it. She wanted to make it special, romantic but unique.

She picked up her phone and FaceTimed her best friend in hopes of some advice.

"What's up D!" Colby answered excitedly "What's it like? Is it hot? Cause all it's done is rain here?" He laughed.

"Colby! Hey yeah it's really pretty here, it's fairly warm" Danielle paused "How's my favourite nephew?"

"The little guy is finally sleeping in his own crib, we brought him home 2 days ago"

"I'm so happy for you Colby" Danielle smiled through the phone before pausing "I need some advice"

"Shoot? What's up?"

Danielle stood up and walked further onto the beach in case Stefania came out and heard their conversation.

"So, I had the chat with Stefania's dad earlier and I asked if I could marry her"

"You did! What happened? Please say he said yes?"

"He did, he did" Danielle laughed "But now I don't know how to do it, how to ask her"

"That's amazing news D! I'm so happy for you" Danielle could see his smile through the phone "I'm sat next to Jaina, do you want me to move away? Or can she know too?"

"Uh, well I guess she already heated. She might be helpful" Danielle laughed.

"Danielle! How's it going?" Jaina asked happily.

"Good yeah it's good, I'm going to ask Stefania to marry me and I don't know how"

After having a long chat with her best friends, talking through different ideas, they said their goodbyes and Danielle hung up the phone. She let out a deep breath, taking in the fresh sea air calming her nerves.

"Bambina?" Stefania shouted from the back porch "Are you okay?"

"Y-yeah yeah, everything's fine baby. Just on the phone to Colby" The blonde walked back over to the brunette, Stefania directed them to sit on the swinging bench. "Is he okay? And the baby?"

"Oh yeah they're fine, Hugo is home and healthy" Danielle smiled brightly.

"So why are you pacing the beach?" Stefania laughed.

"Oh we were talking about work, you know I pace when I'm thinking" Danielle tried to cover up. "Nice shower?"

"Hmmm... it would of been better if you were in there with me" Stefania smirked.

"Next time yeah?"

"Yeah next time" Stefania tutted "Can we cuddle on the couch and watch some tv? I want you in my arms"

"Of course bambi" Danielle stood up pulling Stefania's hand before swiftly picking her up carrying her bridal style into the living room, carefully sitting her on the couch. The couple happily stayed watching tv for a couple more hours before heading up to bed.

"Good morning sleepy head" Danielle softly woke Stefania up, she laid on the bed next to her fully clothed, showered and ready for the day.

"Hi bambina" Stefania yawned. "You're dressed?"

"I am, I've been awake for a few hours"

"What time is it?" Stefania asked as she rested her head on the blonde.

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