Afraid for you (10)

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For like the past half and hour there was nothing said between the group as for now the only thing that break the silence was the roar of the engine and their soft breaths since Lydia aggressively turned off the radio when she sat in the car.

It's all though until Allison pulls up in front of Lydia's house, desperately trying to find something to break this awkward silence that was filling the car with but her mind was as blank as a A4 paper in the factory. "Look Lydia. What happened back there was weird and crazy, but you have to promise not to say anything."

Well... seems like we are off to a great start...

Echo can't help but snort at the poor attempt while Lydia turns to look at her in pure disbelief. "I promise not to tell anyone about what happened ..." she then turns a full ninety degrees, to look between Echo and Allison for an explanation. "If you can tell me what the hell just happened."

Echo brings up her hands shrugging her shoulders. "Don't look at me! I told you everything I knew to the cops, which was nothing." She points to herself. "The girl's looking for answers herself."

Two pair of eyes shifts to Allison's brown irises. She pushes her hands on the steering wheel before her, struggling to explain. "It's... it's kind of complicated.''

"How about you start with why Derek was there? Or where Jackson went? Or what is wrong with Erica?" She gives Allison a moment to answer at least one of the questions, but the brunette insists on her silent treatment.. "Oh! Do you need a minute to come up with a plausible lie?"

"Part of the reason why I'm asking you, is that Scott and I aren't supposed to be seeing each other. Okay?" To Allison's words, Lydia flinches away, hurt written on all her features. The girl was talking about how scared she was and Allison was talking about her boyfriend? "So, it's better if you just keep what you know to yourself."

"Fine I'll keep what I know about you and your boyfriend," Lydia narrows her eyes at her to prevent the tears from falling in front of someone who clearly didn't care . "which is nothing, to myself."

"He's not just my boyfriend, you get that right?" Allison extends her hand and take a hold of Lydia's wrist.

"Let me go." Having enough of her lies for tonight, the red head demands with a tern face.

Echo backs off in her seat, listening to the downhill that was their conversation. "Just for one second, please, try and remember..."

L: Remember what?

"Remember what it feels like. All of those times in school when you see him standing dawn the hall, and you cannot breath until you're with them." Allison then proceeds to go on further details. "Or those times in class when you, you can't stop looking at the clock because you know that he's standing right out there waiting for you. Don't you remember anything?"

Lydia takes a long pause staring into Allison's chocolate coloured eyes, with her breath more shaky. "No!"

"What do you mean no?" the brunette though does not believe her for a second. "You've had boyfriends."

"Not like that." Lydia yanks her arm out if her grip before storming out of the car not waiting for any of the girls to stop her from doing so.

Behind her Echo opens her door, trying to make up for what Allison just ruined. "Lydia!"

"No, I think I've had enough." Lydia doesn't even turn to look their way. She just yells her answer as she rushes to her house.

Echo takes a moment to look at her, exhaling heavily, she opens the front door, dropping down beside Allison.

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