fun in detention (13)

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"We can't be in the same room. I have a restraining order against these tools." Not even two seconds in the stupid detention, Jackson feels the must to open his mouth and mutters the most eye rolling thing that comes to his mind.

Harris, who mind you was as miserable being there as the rest of the teenagers, rolls his eyes. "All of these tools?"

"No! Just us tools." Stiles points to himself and Scott from beside Echo.

H: fine you two! Over there.

And just like that the most unnatural thing happens. Stiles and Scott, listening and obeying the teacher, get up without a word leaving Echo alone with Erica. Now Echo was not scared of the teen wolf sitting diagonally from her, but she did feel the need to put as much as space between her and herself. Just in case to have control over herself in case she had the urge to rip her throat out.

"I have to seat here?" Echo stands up grabbing her bag to go sit beside Allison.

Erica puts her feet on the table smirking. "Why not? I won't bite."

Harris glares at her, Erica slowly putting down her feet, his blank stare drifts to Echoella who was motioning to Matt to change seats with her. "Yes! It's not like you have a choice."

"Forget it!" His opinion gets ignored by Echo standing beside Allison and Erica sinking lower in her seat. "I'm moving."

Harris throws the book in his hand on the table, the loud noise silencing already quiet library. "If you take one more step, Miss. Fraystern, all of this little group gets an 'F' for their finals. Consider all the Fs you can think of. So I’m suggesting you to get back to your seat and remain silent."

Echo narrows her eyes at the ignorant man but does as he said nonchalantly. She, as well throws her bag on the table. "It's gonna be the worst detention ever."

Erica snorts going back to her laptop screen "oh you think I’m having fun over here? Cause I’m not."

"Sorry, I don't have sympathy for psychos." Erica glares up at her, Echo on the other hand smirks this time. "Sorry, I meant psychics."

Erica leans on to her whispering under her breath. "Do yourself a favour and shut the fuck up."

Echo's smirk widens. "Gladly."

"What even are you anyway?" Not even few minutes pass before Erica break the silence again. "That makes you immune"

Echo groans insanely not looking up from her notebook. "I thought we weren't supposed to talk."

"Why are you acting like a bitch Echo?" Erica closes her laptop, looking at the other girl. "Is it because I tried to kill you? You know it was just a misunderstanding."

"It's because I don't like you" Echo says stating the obvious. "And misunderstanding my ass"

Erica: you do realise I can rip you open right here. Right?

This makes Echo look up holding back a laugh. "You can try all you want, if you wanna be a fur rug. I’m sure I heard my uncle talking about buying a new one here and there."

Which might not be a lie since Jonathan was indeed plan on coming here. But Erica certainly does not need to know that.

"Ouch!" Erica frowns pretending to look sad. "That is no way to talk to a friend."

Echo fakes sigh, after all you got to find some fun in detention. "you sound so much like your Alpha asshale, that I have this urge to punch you. You know he's only using you right?"

Erica's goes offended and angry in a matter of seconds. "He was the only one giving us power, strength when we had no one. And he didn't use us. We used him."

Echo visibly and hearbly snorts that earns a figuring cough from Harris to warn them. "Okay yeah! Are you really that dumb?"

Clearly she pushed the right buttons cause instantly Erica snaps, grabbing Echo's free hand on the desk in a hard grip, with her claws out. Echo's eyes turns so cold the hazel fades into a stone hard green and smirk grows on her face again. "Be careful, honey. You seriously don't want to be a designer rug in someone's office, do you?"

Erica's eyes shifts to the new camera above them. She takes few deep breaths to calm her nerves and stop her eyes from turning glowing gold before she lose her already fragile control. She pulls away her hands, tearing on her own punched palms. "That's right. Put away those claws."

"Can I go to the bathroom?" Jackson asks already leaving out the door.

Harris actually gets up, concerned. Talk about picking favourites. "Are you alright? You don't look so good."

J: yeah just need some water

"No one leaves their seats." Harris follows Jackson leaving everyone behind.

"What are you two doing?" Scott says sitting beside Echo as Stiles take the seat next to Erica. Echo takes her eyes off the other side shrugging to Scott as to say 'nothing.'

Scott doesn't believe, feeling the remained heat between the girls but brushes it off turning to the werewolf. "You said you know how Jackson's parents died."

Erica sends a glance his way. "Maybe."

Scott's jaw drops. "TALK!"

Erica: it was a car accident. My dad was the insurance investigator and everytime he sees Jackson drive by in his Porsche, he makes a comment about the huge settlement he'll get when he's eighteen.

"So not only Jackson's rich now, but he's gonna get richer at eighteen?” Stiles narrows his eyes glaring at the way Jackson just went. “There's something deeply wrong with that."

This time Echo's jaw drops, staring blankly at him. "Out of all she just said, THAT's what you care about?"

Erica opens her laptop for the hundredth time that day. "You know what? I could try find the insurance report in my dad's inbox. He keeps everything in there."

"Scott McCall please report to the principal's office." With that Scott leaves and Echo putts her head on her arms resting on the table looking forward to the end of this unnecessary detention as Stiles and Erica read the report.

Stiles: check out the dates

Erica: passengers arrived at the hospital DOA. The estimated time of death 9:26p.m June 14, 1995."

Stiles: Jackson's birthday is June 15.

"What does that mean?" Echo snaps her head up in disgust and shock. "How is that even possible?"

But before she gets an answer, with Harris and Scott arrival they separate.

Harris starts packing his stuff immediately and so does everyone, until he looks up from his handbag, laughing.

"No! I'm sorry. Yes, I’m leaving but none of you are. You may go when you're done with re-shelving." He point to pills of book in the corner, enjoying himself way too much. "enjoy the rest of your evening"

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