24 hour cycle (1)

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Lydia was behind the roll, driving to the restaurant they were supposed to be at, while having a conversation with Allison who has just got back from France. She was completely and successfully ignoring Echo who was lying in the backseat, reading her book on her phone in silence, also successfully ignoring Lydia.

The conversation between the pair though, has came to an end few minutes ago and since the other two were in denial towards each other, Allison finally finds it in herself to start a new one. "So, why are you two like this?"

"Ask her." Echo says casually not bothering to look up.

Lydia glares at her through the rear mirror. "We're like nothing."

"Yeah! Right, it's not like the only thing in this car that is not being ignored is me." Allison grins as she drifts her eyes between her friends in which they both didn't even took a glace her way, making her smile to drop. "Come on guys it's the first night that I'm back. We're hanging out in real life and not through the screens of laptop."

Echo snaps up coming forward between the two front seats with a raised brow. "You didn't tell her?"

Confused, Allison looks from one to another. "Tell me what?"

Echo's eyes fill with mischief sinking back in her seat. "Oh nothing just that the only person hanging out here is me. You two have double dates to get to."

"Double what?" Allison's eyes widen.

"Oh please don't freak her out." Lydia demands Echo before trying to reason with Allison. "It's not a date. It's group thing."
"Do they know it's a group thing?" Echo smirks, already knowing the answer.

"Seriously do they know? Cause I told you I'm not ready to get back out there." Allison adds freaked out.

"You were in France and didn't do any dating for four months?" Lydia asks incredulously.
"Really, how did you pull that off? I mean I'm not surprised or anything cause someone here, was dating instead of both of us." Echo turns towards Lydia as she mentally tries to count all the her one night stands.

"Oh so after Ja..." Allison got cut mid sentence by Lydia who was still hurt about Jackson's leaving and missed him badly, but never admitted it.

L: don't say his name.

Echo puts her hand on Allison's shoulder for moral support. "Yeah he's been 'shall not be named' for the past four months."
Allison purses her lips, before asking her question carefully. "Is he okay? I mean did everything work out?"

"Well, the doctors looked like total idiots when he turned up alive, but everyone got over it. And yes Derek thought him the werewolf 101, like how not to randomly kill people during a full moon." Lydia starts rambling all the little details she knew to Allison.

Allison raise her brows smiling. "So you've talked to him?"

Sadly though Lydia denies. "Uh, not since he left for London."

"She means after his dad moved him to London." Echo tries to bright up the mood even though it most likely fails.

"Whatever, he left. And seriously an American werewolf in London? Like that's not gonna be a disaster." Lydia says trying to shake the sadness off.

"Yeah no. Been there, done that." Echo snorts. "Nothing about London is gonna be a disaster when you're American, not even the werewolves."

"So you're totally over him?" Somehow Allison doesn't drop the topic.

L: would I be going to a double date if I wasn't?

"Oh so you're accepting that it's a date?" Echo pulls her self between the front seats again, smirking.

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