Shaken up (5)

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"You do realize you can't come march in here whenever you want just because Seb has given you his keys, right?" Echo doesn't even looks up from the hundred of papers that were spread around her, to the man who was closing the door. "But hey, come on in. Why don't you?"

Derek takes a few steps forward closer to where she was sitting on the floor, right in the middle of the dinning room. "I can't decide if you're powers are more annoying or you're attitude."

Still, she doesn't bother stopping her essay for him. "Trust me, your presence, is the worst. So do us both a favour and leave. I don't have time."

D: I came to give you this.

"What?" Echo writes as fast as her hands type in her computer as her eyes drift between the screen and the book in front of her.

After a not so quick moment of silence she finally looks up to find Derek a couple steps away from her with her belt in his grip. "My whip..."

D: You left it behind.

The unpleasant difference in height really gets on her nerves, making Echo to jump up to her feet. She glares at his sarcasm, brows knotting together. "What did you expect me to do? Wait to grab your limps off the ground hopping to stich you back together?"

"What did you expect me to do? Wait there to let someone innocent die?" Derek snaps back at her getting closer with a mirrored frown.

E: No I expected you to not kill yourself.

"You see that I'm fine." Casually he steps closer, completely standing on a couple on papers, with his arms crossed over his chest. "Cora and Boyd are fine. Even your teacher is fine."

"Step away, goody two shoes!" She snaps, shoving him away so they both will get away from the mess on the ground. "Well, thank you for the whip. I think you can go now."

Derek stares at her for a second, then his eyes wanders around the house and the paperwork few feet away before stepping back and leaving without a word.

Her glance moves to the door that just slammed shut, closing her eyes to keep herself calm. She exhales heavily before taking her phone and sending a single text to a certain someone.

"Seb, I hate you"


Echo pushes the lockers' door. As she steps inside a couple eyes drifts her way and a few snorts are heard from around, but Lord knows if growing up with three brothers had one good effect, it was definitely not giving a flying shit to these reactions. She confidently was sure she could take all of them if she wanted to.

"Hey, blondie." Danny's voice speaks from behind her. "What you doing here?"

She sends a glance at him shrugging her shoulders. "Looking for Scott and Stiles?"

D: Couldn't you wait outside?

E: nope! Where are they anyway?

"Here." Danny walks up to a row, with Echo following him behind.

Stiles: okay, was he like... did he... could he have been, a virgin? Was he you know virginal?

Stiles and Scott where in front of a locker, talking. While Danny goes on to call them, Echo stops him by nudging him in his lungs. "Shhhh! Don't."

"What?" His face scrunches up, drawing a sharp breath.

E: shh!

"No, definitely not!" Scott's voice is laced with sarcasm and teasing. "Deaton makes me have sex with all of his clients. It's new policy."

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