used (17)

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Yes I just used Jensen Ackles as Nicolas Fraystern and Andrea Roth as Christina Valet Fraystern, Echoella's parents. Sue me:)
Also that's Micheal Michele as Georgia Mabusé.
¤•flashback•¤ ten years ago; Los Angeles

"How can this happen?" Christina Fraystern sits beside her husband Nicholas.

Jonathan Fraystern, clearly messed up and tired. "I don't know. They said it was safe, but turns out it was just a trap. Andre and Adina were perfectly fine and now..."

"Where are the bodies?" Nick doesn't take his eyes off of the view out the window of his brother's office asking the question.

"In the hospital's morge." Georgia puts her hands on the back of the seat. The ability for sitting down was far gone from her body by now.

"They say they wouldn't give their bodies to us." Jonathan dropsbhis head down. "Just family."

"So what?" Christina looks around to the people around the office. "We can't hide it from their daughter. Phoebe's their only family."

"She's seventeen!" John says, his voice actually trembling as he realises how awful the situation actually was. "It wasy fault. I should've known it was a trap by the Calaveras. They've been looking for me since forever."

"It wasn't your fault." Gia goes on to standin front of John theater side of his desk. "Calaveras have always assumed that because we have money that we buy everyone and get away with everything."

"Don't we?" Nicolas takes his eyes from the window finally glaring at his brother's girlfriend. He never liked how selfish she was, never caring who or what she destroyed in her way to success. "We do get away with everything. You weren't around but Jonathan's first wife, tried to rat our ass out and take custody of Max... and we literally framed her so the judge wouldn't give her anything. We raised him to hate his mother... we literally blackmail other businesses and make supernatural deals with them to get more money... more power... that's all we do, we fuck over others to pull ourselves up."

Gia turns towards him, standing face to face. "We do that, to protect ourselves... Our secrets. What do you think will happen if everyone find out that we aren't ordinary. That half of the people with high positions in this company are part of a werewolf pack?"

She was right and that was the worst part for Nicolas. That at the end of the day every decision in his life took a turn and end up in the familiar dead-end of supernatural secret. They even lost Echoella to this unwritten rule.

"They were part of our pack." He mutters those words. But no one expected her to understand this sentance. "You don't get it. Losing a member of your pack is like losing a limp. You can get brand new people but nothings gonna fill the hole they left in your pack."

"Okay you two are not helping!" Jonathan suddenly bursts out in anger. He was literally having a nervous break down, with couple drops of tears that fell from his eyes uncontrollably. They weren't out of sadness though but out of pure and utter anger. The pressure was built on him and it was all pouring out like a tsunami. "Yes. We're awful people. We take every opportunity and climb over everyone we can to get what we want. But WE are Fraysterns. We can get away with things. I can get away with things. But I promised my pack to protect them. To keep them safe. I turned and accepted them to help them, not kill them. And I failed!"

Gia purses her lips together, stubbornly while Nick drops his head uncomfortably and Christina awkwardly and silently shifts her eyes elsewhere, deep in her thoughts. Jonathan annoyed with himself pushes away the few tears on his face, frustrated.

"What if there's a way to bring them back?" To Christina's voice all the eyes turn to her.

It takes them a moment but when realisation hit him it hits hard. Nick's head snaps her way. "Are you out of your mind?"

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