Bothering (10)

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Echo was by her locker changing her books when Isaac and Boyd approached her with big grins, clearly there ruin her day more than it already was.

She glances their way for a second, before turning back to what she was doing. Being the obnoxious boys that they are they stayed there staring at her.

"What?" Echo shuts the locker without a second glance, before cross passing them, heading to her next class. "What did you do this time?"

Offended, Isaac stops in his track. He glares at her from behind, his smile gone already. "Why would you think we did something wrong?"

By this question, Echo stops too, giving him a look that totally reminded him of all the times he messed something up and someone else had to solve it for him.

"We need your help." Finally, finding Isaac completely checkmated, Boyd takes the lead of conversation.

"Shocker." Echo sighs, taking the stairs to get to her Geometry. class. "Don't you two have classes?"

"No, who cares about classes." Isaac instantly follows her, taking the stairs two at once to keep up with her leaving Boyd to follow couple steps behind. "Deucalion and his minions are literally declaring war. They went on so far, to even paint their pack's symbol on loft's windows. And then I remembered that you're a hunter and I thoug..."

Bored out of her mind, Echo looks at the ceiling to prevent herself from rolling her eyes. "I'm not hunter."

"You were trained like one." Boyd points out from behind. He then takes a couple of steps closer, lowering his voice. "Look all we need is an effective offence, defence, anything that could work on an Alpha to slow them down."

"Preferably kill them. Like all of them." Isaac on the other hand, doesn't believe in speaking quietly.

To his sentence, a couple of people that were around them, give them very bad looks before backing up.

That earns an annoyed look and a glare from Echo at the him, before she quickly changes location to a more quiet corner of the hallway for them to talk. "You should go ask a real hunter about this. I'm not sure I can help at all."

Boyd narrows his eyes at her, his face completely emotionless. "We would've, if we didn't value our lives."

E: I'm sure Allison would be more than glad to help you guys. Go ask her.

It was true though. Didn't matter how much Chris and Allison would fight or how many times Allison would call her, whining about her father not letting her get involved, she knew Allison was not one to stop helping unless she dies. Which would not happen anytime soon.

"Yeah, no! We're not going to help her, getting her self killed." Isaac snaps at her, a little harsher than he should. Both Echo and Boyd turn to him with judgemental eyes. "You know... for our sake. Surely her father will kill us if anything happens. Don't you think?"

Echo keeps her hopeless eyes at him but Boyd ignores all of his nonsense rambles, turning to her. "What we mean is that you're our last and only hope. So we're open to any ideas or plan."

"I might have an idea." In defeat, she exhales, checking left and right to make sure bo one like the twins, was listening in their conversation. "Look there is something that doesn't matter what you are or who you are, will definitely beat anyone."

The idea of fight, blood and overpowering alphas, definitely boosts Isaac's excitement by hundred. "And that is?"

"Electricity." Echo brings up her hand to show them the bracelet that was gracefully tangled around her wrist. "Like my whip. It electromagnetic, so it can be used as a whip, or transforms into a stick and it releases electricity."

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