better than Never (16)

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The next two days went torturing as Echo had to act like nothing was wrong. She and Allison also had to spend a lot of time with Lydia cause she was in silence treatment towards Scott, and they both had to make up for the times they left Lydia behind in the shadows. The girl was so confused though why all her friends were spending time with the new girl and abandoning her.

It was all before she gets a text from Lydia telling her that she was in desperate need and it was an urgent and being the night of the full moon it sets a panic in her way more than expected. She had felt off the past few days especially today but had blamed it on the full moon.

Knocking on the Martin's door several times Echo tries to peek from the window just in case, until the door opens. "Hello! Sorry, where's Lydia?"

"Hi, in her room. Why?" The woman, Lydia's mother probably, looks more confused than scared.
Forgetting all the morals and manners, Echo steps inside uninvited. "Where's her room?"

Lydia's mom closes the door, with a questioning face. "Upstairs? What's wrong? Are you Lydia's friend?"

Without answering, Echo runs up the stairs not even waiting for Lydia's mother to complete her question, making the poor woman panic and run behind her.

"Lydia I got your text what's wrong?" Echo bursts into the room, not even waiting for a permission only to find Lydia in a gray dress in front of her mirror straightening her hair.

"Oh, you're here! Finally." Lydia turns in her seat smiling happily. "Tonight's my birthday party and I figured you have no one to get ready with."

"To hell with that, Lydia." Echo exhales the breath she didn't knew she was holding. "You scared the hell out of me. I thought someone was dead or something."

"Well you see that no one is so get your pretty ass here, we need to get ready." She holds up a black top with gold sequins and a pair of black jeans, and throws them at her face, without a second thought "I picked these for you."

"You did, didn't you?" Well at least it wasn't a ridiculous mess of a pattern.

"Of course I did. Now put them on, also re-do your hair. I'd say lose waves in front." When Echo doesn't move Lydia looks at her through the vanity mirror. "Come on. We don't have all night."

"Can you at least tell me who exactly is invited?" Echo opens the bathroom's door, without an argue on the clothings.

"Oh, well it's like the party of the year." Lydia smiles satisfied with her. "So I'd say everyone."

Since Valerio nor Kai were home by the time she woke up, and then straight came to Lydia's, Echo pulls our her phone to make sure they were okay, and she wasn't worried for them.

K: what?

Sitting behind the vanity, she narrows her eyes. Even though he couldn't see. "Rude! Where's Val?"

K: I don't know? Library?

"Library?" She holds the phone between her shoulder and ear. "Then where are you?"
"I'm getting food." His grin was hearable through the phone.

"You can't eat in li..." she sighs giving up on understanding him. "You know what? Never mind. If I told you there's a birthday party tonight, would you come or not?"

Kai takes a moment to answer, noises of plastic moving coming from his side. Clearly he was picking junk. "Would you be mad if we don't come."

E: I'm sure I don't wanna know why so no. Now hang up, you're bothering me.
Being the ignorance person that he is he really hangs up.

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