Bloody crime scene (13)

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Echo and Lydia enter the school's theater, freezing in front of the doors, their eyes wander around the salon full of teachers, philosophers to be exact. Even the thought of one of them can be sacrificed tonight, and the won't be able to same them was eating them from inside out.

Scott to was at loos of words standing a few steps a head doing the same. He though notices the girls, backing off to stand beside them. "I thought you were going home."

Not sure how he thought of that, or what gave him that vibe, the girls send him a look.

"I can't." Lydia shakes her head, determined to her words. "I don't know, why I'm the one who keeps finding the bodies; but maybe, if I just stop trying to fight it, I find them before it happens. Maybe with enough time, for someone like you to do something about it."

"You give me the time;" Scott reaches for Lydia's hand. "And I'll do something about it. I swear to god, I will."

Lydia nods her head, tightening her grip around his hand. The three of them sigh a light breath, their eyes turning to all the people and school staff that were laughing and relaxing in their seats, exited for this doomed recital. Unaware of the human sacrifice that not only was weighting the air, but the heart of all the teenagers that know something was coming and their hands was tight in stopping it.


Echo was standing at the right side of the hall, listening to the chilling harmony filling the air, that was not helping her stress at all, hysterically picked at her nail polish, almost chewing it off. Her eyes seemed unable to remain on a person more than one second, in alert for the slightest thing to seem off. But se far so good, nothing was wrong.

Or she thought until Scott approached her, coming from the end of the salon, were he was supposed to be looking out.

"What are you doing here?" She waits for him to get close enough for them to hear each other's voice, trying to keep their voices down.

"Have you seen Lydia?" He leans in to whisper in her ear. "I can't seem to find her anywhere."

Echo's tilts her head trying to cover as much as she can of the right side, where the red haired girl wa supposed to be at, but she gets nothing. "No, I thought she was here the whole time."

"Where do you think she went?" Scott too, looks around impatiently. They make an eye contact with Allison who came earlier, but brush past her still no sign of Lydia.

Echoella, groans inside, shaking her head. "Is Stiles coming?"

S: yeah.

She shots her head to the door. "I'll go find her. You wait for him."

It was gonna be hard for Scott to look out on his own, but nevertheless, finding Lydia was more important. So he nods in agreement, and Echo leaves for their friend.

"God Lydia, where the hell are you?" Echo whisper-shouts in the empty hallways trying to find her.

There was no answer which cause her to grumble under her breath and takes the path that felt right.

Seconds later she walks past her favourite class, English, that for whatever reason, not only the lights were on, but the scene she finds finally gives her a valid reason to hate English even more.

Lydia was tied up to a chair and there was something in front of her mouth to keep her from talking. She shakes her head rapidity like sending a signal to Echo telling her not to come inside, while making moaning sounds like she was begging her to run away.

Echo though completely ignores her entering the room with shocked expression. "Lydia? What happened?"

Sadly she doesn't get to take two steps in before her body goes completely numb. Like someone just poured ice cold water over her head. A sharp breath and Lydia's wide eyes are only thing she acknowledges, before the cold suddenly turns into a burning sensation on her stomach and then another dose of pain going through her nerves to her spin, up to her brain and back. Lydia's muffled screaming rises.

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