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I fell back onto the car seat. What? He had told me last night to run away from him to save myself, but now he was calling me back to him to be his mistress?

Of course, I had respect for mistresses but had no interest in being one. The maid analyzed my reaction before speaking again. "My name is Diana, the head maid. He has given me the job to be your personal maid, so please comply and come with me so neither of us get into trouble. You wouldn't want to upset His Majesty."

I got up, out of the car, following Diana. Being a mistress was better than being dead. 

She led me through a door and into a small metal room, the other maids following behind me.  As the doors slid close behind us, Diana pressed a button. The metal room shook before lifting up. I grabbed onto one of the bars lining against the walls, trying not to lose balance. Diana looked at me, noticing how bewildered I was and said, "This is an elevator. We use it instead of the stairs to save time." 

The doors of the elevator opened up again to reveal a hallway. The inside of the hallway looked just as grand as the outside. The walls were a creme color, the floors carpeted with red and gold designs. The doors that lined the walls were intricately carved and lined with gold. The lights were bright here, contrasting against the dark places I had been in the past few hours. Maids were bustling around each hallway, dissapearing to their tasks behind each corner. 

Diana led us through many corridors, turning so much that it made my head spin. There was no way I'd be able to memorize the routes of this place. Just as I was getting desperate from all of the turns of the hallways, she stopped in front of a hallway that looked much more luxurious than the others, if that was possible. She smiled, admiring the gleaming hallway. Here, there were statues and paintings in between each of the doors. 

"This hallway is dedicated to Prince Jungwon's mistresses. You'll be the first one to occupy this hall since you're his first mistress." She told me with a fond smile. I stood in awe as I took in the scene.  We walked down to the end of the hall and stopped in front of a door bigger than the others.

 "You will be staying in this room, with the privilege of having the biggest suite since you're the Royal Mistress now, meaning you're his first and favorite mistress." She turned to me with a bright smile, holding onto one of my arms. Her smile looked youthful, and I envied her beauty. "You don't know how surprised everyone was to hear that Prince Jungwon had taken an interest into someone, even if he only named them Mistress. You'll have to tell me all about how you two met sometime." 

I was about to tell her that we had only met once, not to mention on bad terms, but Diana opened the door to my new bedroom and I was once again left in awe. The room looked to be the size of the dining room back at the orphanage. It was just as decorated as the hallways. In the middle of the large room was a king sized bed, bigger than anything I had every slept on. The floors were also carpeted with an intricate design on it. 

On one side of the room was a large wooden wardrobe and vanity. The other featured a big window that showcased another garden outside of my room. The garden was also warmly lit in the night. Looking out the window, we looked to be at least four stories above the ground. Maids were buzzing around the garden too, carrying platters of food into what I assumed was the dining hall. 

Before I could continue exploring my new room, Diana pulled me into a seat in front of the vanity. "You may explore your room after we fix your appearance up to be suitable to present to His Majesty." She looked at my slightly offended face and quickly added, "Not that anything is wrong with your face, I assure you. The King and Queen have high expectations when meeting people, so I want you to look your best. Prince Sunoo of the Kim Kingdom will be here shortly to help choose the outfit that will best suit you." 

I nodded sitting down and watching as Diana and the maids pulled out creams and powders. As half of the maids worked on my hair, Diana and the other half started applying the products to my face.

 They painted on the cold cream, which evened out the uneven spots on my face. They added a pink powder to my cheeks and nose, bringing out the warmth of my face. They worked on my eyes too, lining my eyes with a black liquid and adding a shimmery powder on my face. The other maids curled my hair and added flowers to my hair. 

When they finished, Diana took in their work with an approving nod. I stared at myself in the mirror. I looked better than when I first stepped into the room, but I wasn't in some cliche story. They didn't transform my face into a completely different glamoured up face, they just accentuated my features. I wasn't going to call myself beautiful, but they did do a wonderful job. 

Someone knocked on the door briefly before stepping inside. Diana and the maids stopped putting things away at the sight of who it was, immediately dropping down into a bow. As the person stepped into my view, I understood why. 

"Your highness." Diana acknowledged Jungwon, giving him a fond smile. 

He grinned back at her, motioning for them to stand up again. "Diana, it's been a while since I last saw you. However, do you mind if I have a private word with the lady?" 

Diana nodded, the other maids following her out the door. This left me alone with Jungwon, an awkward silence filling the air as he stepped closer to me. It felt like the silence was swallowing me whole, and it was obvious that Jungwon felt that way, too. He cleared his throat, but never broke eye contact with me. 

"You look different." He said, taking in my appearance. I almost snorted at the way he stated the obvious. Indeed, both of us looked different from the night before. He had his hair down today instead of the parted style he had last night, and he looked less cold. More comfortable, even.

"Likewise." I responded. 

He sighed. "I'm sure you're aware of why you're here. I would like to clear up any assumptions and confusion you might have." I stayed quiet, listening to what he had to say. "Yes, you are going to be my mistress. However, neither you nor I will be partaking in any sort of sexual actions. We're both minors." 

I let out a breath of relief. That quickly smothered a great number of my worries. "Then, why did you bring me here? Is it to keep an eye on me after what happened last night?" 

Jungwon looked up at the cieling, thinking. "Sort of." He told me. "It's true that I want to keep an eye on you, but not in the way you think." 

He pulled out the chair on the table next to me, sitting down. Even sitting down, he still towered over me. I would need to ask him what growth vitamins he was investing in some time. 

Jungwon looked at his hands, fiddling with his fingers. His actions and the way he was talking contrasted the way I percieved him last night. He had the same regal look, but he seemed more at ease and even childish. "You see, the first time I heard of the farms, or "orphanages" as you call them, was when I was eight years old. At the time, I barely had a voice or strength to be able to help you guys, so I had to use my brain." 

My eyes bore into him in interest. He was a vampire, wasn't he? So why did he care so much about us? 

"You've heard about the multiple orphanage escapes going on these past few years, correct?" At my nod, Jungwon continued. 

"I was the one who fabricated the escape plan. I brought them back to the human world." 

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