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"Yumin, you're a pureblood vampire, the only one that still exists in the world."

I stared back at him, trying to process the information he was giving me. "A... pure blood?"

Jungwon nodded, taking my hand in his and intertwining our fingers. He blinked, eyelashes so impossibly pretty and eyes so impossibly patient. "Pure bloods are the direct descendants of the first vampire that ever existed, often marrying amongst themselves. Your mother and father were actually siblings to keep the blood pure, as wrong as it may sound. If you were to ask for my opinion, I'd say that they're technically more royal than the actual royal family."

He swallowed before continuing. "Pure bloods have special abilities, ranging in all kinds of things. One of the most notorious ones are mind control, which is the reason why they are so hated. They need to drink human blood once in a while, or they lose control and go on a frenzy.  A long time ago, they were worshipped like gods. Now, they've been hunted and eliminated, all except you."

Jungwon paused, peering at me to let me have room to ask questions.

My mind was a mess. I was confused, so utterly confused. I wasn't a human? How could that be? I don't even remember anything, and I don't know anything other than what Jungwon told me and the course memories I just witnessed.

"In my memories, there was this man that I referred to as father. But, if what you are saying is true, how could he be my father in such plain sight? I thought you said they were all hunted." I questioned.

Jungwon pursed his lips, expression pained. "Ah.. I see your brain remembered the most important parts. I suppose I must explain to you the entire thing."

I nodded, gesturing for him to continue.

"Your parents were killed by Royal Hunters when you were two." Jungwon started. "Your mother left you hidden with one of your parent's most trusted vampire servants, who then sought to the royal castle after their deaths. His plan was to hide in a place that no one expected- to hide right under their noses. He raised you as his own child, never telling you that you were a pure blood. He quickly raised in ranks in the castle, which is how I met you when we were three."

"So then... what happened to him? My memories ended with him hugging me and a pain jolting through the two of us."

Jungwon glanced at me with sad eyes, his grip tightening on my hands. "I'm assuming you know that you were being hunted after the maid exposed your identity."

I nodded. 

"Usually when someone found out about your identity, he was able to quickly eliminate them or silence them. However, the maid that had caught you screamed too loud and was too quick, so he wasn't able to silence her in time. Although the other servants and some nobles found out that there was a pureblood in the castle, they didn't know who exactly it was. So, after your adoptive father found us in my room, he did the only thing he knew to do in one last attempt to save you."

Jungwon took a deep breath. "He had asked me a few weeks ago to practice a spell that could mask a vampire as a human; everything from their scent to their features as a safety precaution. Then, at that moment, he told me it was time to perform the spell on you. The thing is, in order for this spell to work, a life must be sacrificed for another. He sacrificed himself to mask you as a human, Yumin." 

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