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A/N: Hey guys! I'm back from my short break :) Also, I know the proper names for the makeup products used on Yumin, but Yumin doesn't since she wasn't raised around these types of things! 

Yumin's POV

Last night ended quite well. 

After the welcoming party, Jungwon accompanied me back to my bedchamber before claiming he needed to do something and leaving. Shortly after that, Diana and another maid visited me to clean me up and bring me my dinner, wheeling in a cart full of food. The food was even better than what I was used to at the orphanage, which was quite a surprise. Now, the maids were once again dressing me up while I was eating my breakfast.

My sleep schedule wasn't in the best shape, basically completely turned around. Since the vampires could not be exposed to the sun, they went to sleep during the day and stayed up during the night. I had trouble falling asleep due to the sun peaking in through the silk curtains, even after being awake for over twenty four hours.

"You will be spending the day with the prince today. As the Royal Mistress, you will be taking on the role of the crown princess until the day he gets betrothed." Diana told me, brushing through my hair as the other maids started preparing my dress. 

I popped a strawberry into my mouth, swallowing before asking, "When is he getting betrothed?" 

Diana set the brush down and started expertly braiding my hair. "Usually, princes start getting proposals from neighboring kingdoms early in their teens. However, since all of the neighboring kingdoms bore sons, Jungwon has to wait until he's twenty to find an international alliance." 

Taking a bite out of my bread, I realized that I've met everyone of the neighboring kingdoms' crown princes already. They were, in fact, all male. 

However, it was more to Jungwon and I's favor this way. This meant that it would give us more time to work together to save the children at the orphanages. With three years, we might even be able to save the children from every orphanage if we planned correctly. 

Diana twisted the braid into a bun, letting some strands fall loose to create a more casual look. After the maids helped me into my dress, they made me stand in front of a full body mirror to get my approval. 

I peered into my reflection, glancing at my appearance. They had put on a more simple makeup look today compared to last night; applying only the same cream to hide my blemishes, pink cream to bring out the color in my face, lining my eyes and lips, and adding some shimmering powder to the corner of my eyes and on the tip of my nose. 

The dress they had chosen for me today was a milkmaid dress. At first glance it was uncomfortable, but after putting it on, the material was soft on my skin. I smiled at my reflection, satisfied with the way I looked and thanked the maids. 

They left shortly after cleaning up the products and my breakfast, leaving me alone in my bedchamber. I walked to the bookcase next to my bed and picked out a title, bringing it to the table and opening it to pass some time whilst waiting for Jungwon to come. 

He had told me that we would only be able to go over plans in the night time (vampire's version of night lol) when the rest of the people in the palace were asleep to avoid anyone from finding out the plans. Then, we would be able to communicate with his accomplices on the farms. He explained that we would only be physically going to the farms the night of the escape to distract the caretakers while the children escaped. 

There was a knock on the door before it opened, so I knew exactly who it was. I set down the book and stood up, bowing at the prince. Jungwon immediately helped me back up, insisting that there was no need to do that since I was his mistress. Jungwon smiled at me, holding out his arm for me to take and led me outside of my bedroom and into the halls.

"The maids explained to you the plans for today, correct?" He asked as we stepped into the elevator. 

"Yes, but they only told me that I would be spending the day with you." I told him, awkwardly standing inside the elevator with him. It felt like the elevator was taking ten years, and I suddenly didn't know where to put my other arm. 

"Ah," He said in understanding. "As much as I'm sure you would like to spend the day alone with me," he winked at me, earning an eyeroll back. "we'll be visiting the markets today to meet the commoners. As the future monarchs, I feel that we have a duty to make sure we are satisfying the common people too, not just the rich." 

I looked at him. "You must really care about your people then." 

He smiled, looking down. 

The elevator door finally dinged open again. We stepped out of it into the same dimly lit, underground area of the palace where all of the cars were parked. This time, there was already a car waiting for us, the guards opening the doors upon seeing us. 

As we stepped in, I noticed that this car was significantly bigger than my previous one. That was not a surprise, since this time it was carrying royalty instead of a human mistress. Along with this, there were guards patrolled on either side of it, blocking my view of the outside. 

Jungwon and I were seated across each other. He was conversing with the driver, laughing. The driver looked equally as comfortable, his eyes focused on the road. Jungwon seemed to be good at these kind of things, talking to people and making them feel comfortable. Like a true ruler. 

This time, the car ride was longer. Through the small area between the guards, I could get a limited view of where we were. We were driving on a bigger and longer road this time, surrounded by other cars. They weren't royal cars, just cars that nobels drove. I could tell by the size of them, along with the absense of the royal crest on the windows. 

All around us were large buildings, reaching high into the sky. They were plastered with windows, bright lights lining each building and lighting up the atmosphere. The sidewalks, too, were lined with large lamps to light the way. The sky was dark, but the city was very alive with the lights and vampires bustling around from place to place. 

They were dressed differently from what they were like at my welcoming party, instead wearing suits and more casual attire. I concluded that they probably only wore the big dresses at parties, watching as they entered shops and restaurants. Still, they looked to wealthy to be the commoners. 

As the trees and other cars zoomed past us, I couldn't help but start to succumb to sleep. It was peaceful in the car, with Jungwon and the driver still in their own conversation in the background. After all, I had not slept very well last night. So, I slowly felt my eyelids drooping down and fell asleep. 

A/N: Please remember to vote for this chapter <3

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